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Ethel through the finish !

We completed the Victoria triathlon on July 31st. It was Ethel's first -
and you can tell by her expression of joy, that although ardulous it was a great accomplishment!

This was an olympic distance triathlon (S 1.5k, B 44k R 10k) and is one of the oldest of such events in North America.

Below shows Ethel coming out of the water having survived the swim
and our 'finisher's photo' after.

The latter two photos were taken by daughter Lizzy, our 'race photographer' and sometime triathlete herself !

Out of the water - dance of joy !

Finishers !

Canon PowerShot S50
1/200s f/2.8 at 7.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Karen Stuebing05-Aug-2005 22:10
She has a right to be proud and she looks it. Y'all are putting me to shame. :)
Guest 05-Aug-2005 20:19
Wow, what a great accomplishment! I would be so pround!
Pepe Zyman05-Aug-2005 05:01
Excellent timing!
Gary Winters05-Aug-2005 03:23
Wow -- what a great accomplishment; congratulations! Good shots, too!
Guest 04-Aug-2005 04:55
Great job you guys!
Karen Leaf04-Aug-2005 03:00
Outstanding. Congrats, again.
jypsee03-Aug-2005 22:56
I'm tired.....
Robin Reid03-Aug-2005 22:36
Way to go you two! What a feat. Boy, I'm impressed.
And I'm also impressed with this PAD shot. You did quite well in capturing her joy!
Susanne03-Aug-2005 20:04
It is a great like when you reach the finish line and looking back it does not seem that it had been that srenious, but of course when you start out it looks like a hard run.
Guest 03-Aug-2005 19:42
Congrats you guys. Ethel looked joyous there. No sign of a relief on her face, LOL!!