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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Capturing Shadows > Walking
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Margaret Lew04-Jan-2022 22:46
Congratulations! I like your point of view and the contrast of the light and shadows, you find art in the ordinary.
Jola Dziubinska04-Jan-2022 21:13
Congratulations, Carol, for the 1st place in 616th Show & Tell Competition: Silhouette. Great photo, indeed. V.
Ken Zaret13-Jul-2021 09:48
Cool shot, nicely seen!
Jola Dziubinska23-Nov-2018 20:28
Terrific photo, Carol, excellent light and busy scene. V.
Cindi Smith19-Aug-2014 00:06
Excellent work here! BV!
Mieke WA Minkjan13-Aug-2014 06:51
like it V
Ray :)10-Aug-2014 23:19
busy busy!
LynnH09-Aug-2014 13:00
This is excellent, Carol! V
woody3409-Aug-2014 03:24
How inventive.Wonderful creative imagination...Great.V
regi olbrechts08-Aug-2014 07:13
Excellent. Well seen and done Carol
borisalex08-Aug-2014 06:15
Surreal beautiful, love the tones and graines! V.
laine08-Aug-2014 03:19
another great capture and effect, Carol
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