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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Juxtaposition of Material Things > Photographer and Her Camera
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Photographer and Her Camera

(This is Beth, one of the photographers for the National Clown School.
Once the professional makeup is powdered, it will not rub off without effort; the camera is safe!)

Kodak Z650
1/60s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Fay Stout02-Aug-2010 00:58
I love this! What fun!
LynnH18-Mar-2010 16:19
How fun!! I love these clown shots! So are you a graduated clown? What is your clown name?
Bill Reed18-Mar-2010 02:44
Nice image, she is having both kinds of fun. Great Capture.
Jola Dziubinska18-Mar-2010 00:52
She must love her job, happy face :)
Liz Bickel17-Mar-2010 23:16
What fun!!!
Bernard Davis17-Mar-2010 19:09
Great portrait (both of them). Lovely fun shots.
Kevin Chester17-Mar-2010 12:46
A National Clown School! I bet thats a laugh a minute ;-)
Cindi Smith17-Mar-2010 12:45
Love the images. Wow! The makeup is phenominal!
Yvonne17-Mar-2010 08:31
What a fun night, you both look so good in your outfits and special faces!
borisalex17-Mar-2010 08:26
I thought first too, that the camera would get messed up with make up! Great fun shots!
Stephanie17-Mar-2010 07:44
Is that you? Cute SP!! Looks like everyone is having great fun! :-))
Mieke WA Minkjan17-Mar-2010 06:26
just beautiful V
Coleen Perilloux Landry17-Mar-2010 02:46
Is that you Carol? Great makeup.
Guest 17-Mar-2010 02:38
I'm glad the camera isn't in danger Carol!!Removing that make up mustn't be an easy task!!!!!
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