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carol j. phipps | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Juxtaposition of Material Things tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Juxtaposition of Material Things

Sanctuary and Bride.
Sanctuary and Bride.
Louisville at Dusk.
Louisville at Dusk.
Reflections \  Louisville, Kentucky.
Reflections \ Louisville, Kentucky.
Great-Grandmother \ Great-Granddaughter
Great-Grandmother \ Great-Granddaughter
The Tune-up!
The Tune-up!
Louisville Orchestra Warmup!
Louisville Orchestra Warmup!
Louisville Orchestra Warming Up.
Louisville Orchestra Warming Up.
Land, Lake, Sky.
Land, Lake, Sky.
g3/64/603464/3/122991132.V0m6Wb5r.jpg River, Bridge, Sky!
River, Bridge, Sky!
Nothing Left But the Pickings!
Nothing Left But the Pickings!
Tonight's Dinner and Tomorrows Lunch
Tonight's Dinner and Tomorrows Lunch
Photographer and Her Camera
Photographer and Her Camera
Photographer and His Camera
Photographer and His Camera
A Mating Song!
A Mating Song!
Relaxed Together!
Relaxed Together!
So in Love ~
So in Love ~
Goose Mating Ritual!
Goose Mating Ritual!
Three Barns.
Three Barns.
g3/64/603464/3/122646876.9QzIhXNQ.jpg Pickin' and Fiddlin'
Pickin' and Fiddlin'
Different Instruments, Same Strings!
Different Instruments, Same Strings!
Seasons in Transition.
Seasons in Transition.
Falling Rocks ~ Large and Small
Falling Rocks ~ Large and Small
Heaven in Earth!
Heaven in Earth!
Meat vs. VegsGrains
Meat vs. VegsGrains
VegsGrainFruitRoots vs. Meat
VegsGrainFruitRoots vs. Meat
The Enduring Firepit
The Enduring Firepit
Firepit and Convection
Firepit and Convection