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Canon Image Challenge | all galleries >> Challenges From The Past >> 2012 Challenges >> CIC- 75 Give Me a "C..." Hosted by Traveller >> Exhibition > Colorful Cottage!
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15-NOV-2007 Paul

Colorful Cottage!

South KCMO

It's real, they actually painted their small home the colors of the flag. If I remember correctly this was done shortly after the 911 attacks and Google maps still shows it looking this way today.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Canon Image Challenge10-Sep-2012 21:15
nice work! you are quite an artist w your layers and brushes.....thanks for letting us know the steps! shu
Canon Image Challenge10-Sep-2012 16:50
There are several steps involved but it starts with the version of photoshop I use has a infrared black and white conversion style (i'll bet yours does too) that I tweak the color channels and then add some guassian blur here and there with a few blending mode changes and of course always, always a layer mask or 3 are used. There is a faux HDR for left side, the sponge tool and a little dodge and burn here and there. All that work and it's still a weak and dull entry but I had fun playing for the 10 minutes it took. Paul

Oh yea, if you count the stars, one state is missing.
Canon Image Challenge10-Sep-2012 05:18
Nice Infrared technique do you do this? Best Wishes, Traveller