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Canon Image Challenge | profile | all galleries >> Challenges From The Past >> 2012 Challenges >> CIC- 75 Give Me a "C..." Hosted by Traveller tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

CIC- 75 Give Me a "C..." Hosted by Traveller

I'll do it twice: Link to Voting Booth is here...Go Vote!

Canon Image Challenge 75: Give Me a "C..." is the Participants vision, their imagination, their creativity that makes these Challenges fun. One hopes people get to try out new things, new styles, different techniques bring for our delight this or that or whatever...moves you, the most important person, the person that adds images to the Galleries for everyone to see...Eligible forces you to shoot now...whatever...just go do it. Exhibition for your finer or your past work that is interesting but you maybe didn't have time to process then, but now you have the Exhibition Gallery to motivate you to post them in.

So here is your Challenge...each of you and all that read this have a talent, a vision, a way of seeing....Go against your grain if you wish, or, stay in your comfort in Color or Sepia or Black and White, wide angle or stretched panorama.

But bring me something that starts with a..."C!"

In some ways this is an Open Challenge...and I so intend it to be. Some people like the idea of receiving some distinct direction...but I know that you have this in you without any help. Just find a C...

A cat, a couch, your cutie, a Cantaloup, or better yet, a Cut Cantaloup...Two (2) C's in the Title!...or a Canon, or a Cannon....!

But have some fun.

Fill up those Galleries, Exhibition from your past shots, Eligible for things shot now, within the eligible time window, but all entry titles must start with the letter C, or the subject as a noun start with the letter C. Foreign words are fine too.

This is all very much on it should be.

Hop to it...with a smile.

Have some fun.

Best Wishes, Traveller



The Eligible Gallery: is for images captured with any camera, any brand during the Challenge period. All other rules outlined in the Official Challenge FAQ apply.

The Exhibition Gallery: is for images taken any time with any camera.

Enter a maximum of three pictures per person in each gallery for a combined total of 6 per challenge.
**new** Please remember the 300kb (= 307,200 bytes) limit. Raised from 200kb

Challenge Starts: Friday, Aug 31th, 2012
Challenge Ends: Tuesday, September 11th, 2012 23:59 UTC
Voting Begins: Wednesday, September 12th, 2012 00:00 UTC
Voting Ends: Thursday, September 13th, 2012 23:59 UTC

Discussion Thread is Here:

Link to cast your sacred ballot is here: