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one track mind :))

others making tracks can be found here in the


Canon EOS 350D
1/80s f/4.5 at 15.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 23-Jun-2007 14:18
My kind of of track!
Bill Ewart Jr22-Jun-2007 23:07
Nice twist on the theme.....and does it leave tracks on your back?
Bill Warren22-Jun-2007 19:46
Nothing wrong with these tracks
virginiacoastline22-Jun-2007 15:58
LOL!! You crack me up!!
Guest 22-Jun-2007 13:00
Barbara Heide22-Jun-2007 12:10
fantatic shot! so attractive!
j>a>e>17 :):):)22-Jun-2007 10:06
you naughty girl... like that song by samantha fox...naughty girls need love too :):):)
Carole Stevens22-Jun-2007 07:43
I might have known youd do a shot like this, great idea!
JW22-Jun-2007 06:09
Boudoir photography! Superb title and concept!
Sheila22-Jun-2007 05:45
Definitely, LoL!
shatterbug22-Jun-2007 04:43
Lol, great interpretation...and nicely shot!
Guest 22-Jun-2007 03:58
Lol great idea!
mojoflowerchick22-Jun-2007 03:32
hehe.. great idea.. you have great imagination.. COOL.. V
royalld22-Jun-2007 02:35
One track mind, but you are on the right track.
Dave Wixx22-Jun-2007 02:34
I wonder what you were doing after this shot!!!
Excellent, cool post processing.
Monte Stevens22-Jun-2007 00:16
I will admit that I followed these tracks. First the bra's then the bed. LOL
Jen Bixler21-Jun-2007 22:28
OMG! This is the best take on the challenge!

You have THE sexiest bras!
Rose Atkinson21-Jun-2007 21:36
LOL - naughty, naughty !!
laine8221-Jun-2007 21:07
uh huh !!
Guest 21-Jun-2007 20:28
Great and creative interpretation! Nicely done.
Chris21-Jun-2007 20:27
Great interpretation for today - baring all to/for the world of Pbase again! Chris
Dana21-Jun-2007 20:05
oh how you have hit the nail on the head! Clever interpretation.
Zak21-Jun-2007 19:52
it's a shame the camera didn't accidently turn itself round somehow and get a pic of you bra-less ;-)
Guest 21-Jun-2007 19:50
Its those undies again,Bev!!!!Great interpretation of the subject.
Jola Dziubinska21-Jun-2007 19:44
Wow, Bev, nice tracks on your bed :)) Love this shot.
Guest 21-Jun-2007 19:26
Woo Woo Beverly! I needed that smile. :-)
Dan Chusid21-Jun-2007 19:24
Making naughty tracks again Bev?
; )
arminb21-Jun-2007 19:19
thanks for the imagination :o))
Gail Davison21-Jun-2007 19:13
this is a family website... hahaha.
Norbert Fortelny21-Jun-2007 19:13
On the track again?
The whole bed is grinning happily!
Absolutely love it.
Nicki Thurgar21-Jun-2007 17:09
Beverley!!! You naughty girl!!! LOL! Great erm, Tracks!!!
Ray :)21-Jun-2007 16:55
Did you follow right up with an SP lol
Fong Lam21-Jun-2007 16:47
You just described my mind ;o)
Lee Rudd21-Jun-2007 16:46
well, yes... :)
Johnny JAG21-Jun-2007 16:27
You've got me all hot 'n bothered now!
carol j. phipps21-Jun-2007 15:53
Well conceived.
Guest 21-Jun-2007 15:47
oh,oh, sexy again.
Guest 21-Jun-2007 15:46
voted Bev
absolutely hillarious!
Faye White21-Jun-2007 15:38
lovely, sexy track! :)
J. Scott Coile21-Jun-2007 15:28
That's a track I understand all too well :-)
Deborah Lewis21-Jun-2007 15:22
Love this! :-)
Ann...21-Jun-2007 15:16
There's a recurring theme here.... I like it!!!
Scott Browne21-Jun-2007 15:15
You tease! LOL
Guest 21-Jun-2007 15:12
LOL - go girl! love it!