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Canon EOS 350D
1/500s f/11.0 at 15.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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J. Scott Coile22-Jun-2007 21:01
I really like the processing on this one Bev!
Bob Floyd22-Jun-2007 20:23
This makes me a touch dizzy. Love the angle. Did you mount the camera in a tree to get this?
May have to try my hand at this in a bit once the work day is over on this side of the pond.
Jola Dziubinska22-Jun-2007 19:44
Good camouflage among the leaves, Bev, but still I can see your lovely hat and a bottle of beer :))
Fantastic compo and soft high key!
Ray :)22-Jun-2007 16:10
Shy and retiring as usual ;-)
Ann...22-Jun-2007 15:10
So soft and gentle - love the feathers in the hat!
Johnny JAG22-Jun-2007 14:49
After yesterdays shot this has to be "you can leave your hat on".
Love the processing.
Lee Rudd22-Jun-2007 14:25
so that is what the hat is for! beautiful colours!
Jen Bixler22-Jun-2007 13:36
mojoflowerchick22-Jun-2007 11:13
as always.. WONDERFUL.. i love it.
Cindi Smith22-Jun-2007 11:06
Too darned cool! You look fab, Bev!
Guest 22-Jun-2007 10:49
Great SP Bev.Like the treatment and composition. Notice you still have a bottle in your hand :0)
Guest 22-Jun-2007 10:43
love this!!! excellent
Nicki Thurgar22-Jun-2007 10:16
Fabulously perfect Bev!!!!
Guest 22-Jun-2007 10:14
Is that a Bud I see in your hands??? looking soooo good here! love it!
Guest 22-Jun-2007 10:05
Beautiful image. love it . U r so clever!
laine8222-Jun-2007 09:45
Nice diffuse glow, Bev.
Susan Leigh22-Jun-2007 07:55
This is very nice, tastefully done!
I like the way you are camouflaged in the hi-key area..good shot!!!
Sheila22-Jun-2007 07:53
Love the high key!
Carole Stevens22-Jun-2007 07:43
Great take on Jens idea Bev love the softness!