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attitude...plenty of it!!

she has 2 more exams to take...its been stressfull so she had a friend around today and they did the hair n make up thing to relax....and have fun!!

Canon EOS 350D
1/60s f/4.0 at 15.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dave Wixx20-Jun-2007 03:31
The hair n makeup thing always helps me relax - 8>)
Cool portrait.
Sheila20-Jun-2007 02:57
Cool portrait. Good luck for the exams!
mojoflowerchick20-Jun-2007 01:00
beautiful girl.. with beautiful eyes.. attitude is a GOOD things.. BOYS watch out..
Bill Ewart Jr20-Jun-2007 00:47
Nice attitude shot!~
Cindi Smith19-Jun-2007 23:12
She is soooo beautiful. Bev! Bet she has guys calling on her all the time! Love this shot!
Guest 19-Jun-2007 22:35
your girl is gorgeous!! ;)
Gail Davison19-Jun-2007 21:40
cool shot. My niece is taking exams... a stressful time for all.
Carole Stevens19-Jun-2007 21:02
Beautiful shot of her though attitude or not; Good luck Hannah youl do fine!
Johnny JAG19-Jun-2007 19:23
Soooo gurly.
Guest 19-Jun-2007 17:48
I like attitude. Nice one Bev.
Guest 19-Jun-2007 17:32
gorgeous girl - love the shirt!! tee hee ;-)
JW19-Jun-2007 17:28
Great capture, Bev. She'll soon be able to let her hair down even more! (Agree with Nicky too!)
J. Scott Coile19-Jun-2007 17:25
Beautiful! Good strategy too ;-)
Nicki Thurgar19-Jun-2007 17:18
Great portrait, and by heck she looks like you!!
Bob Floyd19-Jun-2007 16:58
Beautiful portrait, Bev. I really like the angle you shot this at.
Ann...19-Jun-2007 16:42
Always the best way to relax - hair, makeup, shopping, shopping errr.
She looks really lovely. Everything crossed for the exams!
Lee Rudd19-Jun-2007 16:37
awww aint she sweet!
Jen Bixler19-Jun-2007 16:31
attitude! wonder where she got that from! LOL!
Ray :)19-Jun-2007 16:31
You need attitude to get on in life. Looks like she has loads!