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Peg Price | all galleries >> Galleries >> Historic Tucson > Valley of the Moon's Magic Tower
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18 November 2006 Peg Price

Valley of the Moon's Magic Tower

2544 E. Allen Rd.

George Phar purchased the land on which this fantasyland sits sometime between 1917 and 1923.

From the Valley of the Moon website: "George Phar Legler was born in Evansville, Indiana on November 19, 1884 (there is some controversy here: he may have been born as late as 1887). A gentle, peaceful man who saw the need to heal the mind and soul, as well as the body. A devout pacifist, some time in his middle years he decided to dedicate his life to spreading happiness and to the mental and spiritual health of all mankind, especially children. George's greeting was A-ZE-O, which means Health to All. Since 1923 all of George's works, including Valley of the Moon, have had one central theme, that Kindness to All is the Golden Key to Happiness."

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