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Peg Price | all galleries >> Galleries >> Historic Tucson > Medina's Sporting Goods
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19 February 2006 Peg Price

Medina's Sporting Goods

near Main and Speedway

This old neon sign sits atop the Medina Garage. The garage property is boarded up with a "SOLD" sign hanging in the window.
I wonder if the sign will be saved?

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 03-Jun-2015 21:02
The sign was restored and is now sitting on the Pima Community College Downtown Campus along Drachman Street.
Catherine 26-Oct-2008 03:17
Just learned that the building (Medina's) is slated to come down and the owner is in talks with a friend of mine to obtain the sign. Sad to see it go, but know that if my friend does get it, it will be in good hands.