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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Sunsets&Sunrises > Black Rock Sign
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Black Rock Sign

Nikon D80
1/2500s f/6.3 at 70.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
godro19-Feb-2013 19:53
Nice silhouette and swett light,well done!
Bill Robinson09-Sep-2009 13:40
Terrific silhouette!
waterfalls man03-Apr-2009 00:33
Beautiful !!
j>a>e>17 :):):)24-Feb-2009 11:43
sign o'pure magic & a skyscape for dream~~~dare~~~dive journeyzzz :):):)
17 chitown AAAHHHvationzzz to the max :):):)
urs23-Feb-2009 20:31
Which way to go ? Magnificent and colorful picture. The sun always is the best painter of all. V
Jim Coffman09-Dec-2008 14:05
Great image with so much color! V
Chris Spracklen09-Dec-2008 09:37
Superb silhouette and fiery sky, Bartosz.
Sergio Pessolano03-Dec-2008 09:53
Not the usual sunset. V.
Meggi Raeder20-Nov-2008 04:14
Right or left - that's the question?
CM Kwan02-Nov-2008 13:13
Amazingly beautiful, Bartosz! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos31-Oct-2008 21:03
So artistic composition and lovely colors. V.
poetry66628-Oct-2008 00:40
Terrific shot of this sign post.V!
January Grey22-Oct-2008 03:32
Beauriful sunset! Nice silhouette too. "the sun went that way!' V~
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet19-Oct-2008 03:57
Original composition
Guy Dube11-Aug-2008 14:41
A very nice shot Bartosz, V
Guest 27-Jul-2008 20:32
Great capture. I really like the simplicity.
mathilda williams21-Jul-2008 23:01
this is lovely! voted.
Jola Dziubinska13-Jun-2008 13:03
Follow the sun... great shot. V.
H. P. Henriksen Starman30-May-2008 20:26
The road leads to.... v.
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