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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Connemara and Connemara National Park > The Twelve Pins
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The Twelve Pins

This image is a composite of 18 seperate images
The best in original size:)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Gus Rosenfeld31-May-2010 05:56
Great hi-contrast drama Bartosz, with some very pleasing borderline infra-red attributes. g
GP Merfeld28-May-2010 23:00
Guest 02-May-2010 23:13
Wonderful pose, nicely composed. v
Alina02-May-2010 22:17
Great capture, v
Patricia Kay02-May-2010 20:18
Amazing very beautiful Bartosz...BV
Silvia Roitman02-May-2010 15:16
Marisa Livet02-May-2010 14:59
I wonder how wonderful it would be also in colours!
Marcia Rules02-May-2010 14:46
looks like I could just step into this scene! V
marie-jose wolff02-May-2010 09:03
wonderful panorama, superb gray tones! V
Guest 02-May-2010 08:42
Amazing, very well composed. You are a master. I agree with Danusia. BV!
Guest 02-May-2010 07:05
beautiful panorama,and great bw
Elena02-May-2010 05:53
Fantastic scene! BV
LynnH02-May-2010 02:37
Fantastic and surreal! V
Hank Vander Velde02-May-2010 01:55
BEAUTIFUL B&W image Bartosz.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad01-May-2010 23:38
Outstanding monochrome landscape. V
Jim Coffman01-May-2010 23:31
This is fantastic! Great work,Bartosz BV
Michel Jasmin01-May-2010 22:55
Very well done, love the reflexion of the clouds V
Guest 01-May-2010 22:40
Amazing! You are a master! BV
Walter Otto Koenig01-May-2010 22:39
Superb work. This just pops off the screen. Great details and gray tones. "V"
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