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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 EX DG ASP HSM

Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 EX DG ASP HSM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 17-Oct-2003
Random Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 EX DG ASP HSM Samples from 5738 available Photos more
g4/42/425442/3/64382158.vdnRSKeH.jpg g4/21/4921/3/53319214.hpwQPfsc.jpg g4/21/4921/3/61240137.weJaYVAV.jpg g4/59/25659/3/141050659.1vJlMx78.jpg
g4/18/75718/3/52024183.DSC_3637.jpg g6/57/609157/3/77685549.zCSywF3Y.jpg g12/21/4921/3/34167772.JvDFElil.jpg g4/80/606380/3/135871632.yvFQbqn6.jpg
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Guest 28-Aug-2011 04:23
I made a minireview if you want to see a comparison between the old model marketed 2003 and the new model mark 2 version just released.
Ben D. Mor07-Oct-2007 09:39
For full-frame cameras, there's no wide zoom quite like it. It never ceases to amaze me how much one can fit in a frame when this lens is on. For my gallery of pics taken with the 12-24, see
Guest 12-Nov-2006 10:04
Gush, I just bought this lense before yasterday and I am realy impressed on my D-200 after using it yasterday on an assigment I have to say that it is fast, high (very high) definition, good contrast and saturation. It does have a bit of chromatic aberration but it's bearly visible if you don't zoom the picture to 100% or more, anyway, what lenses of this kind don't have these chromatic problems? Realy, I am greatfully impressed by the performance of the lense and I'm not surprised that they say in the reviews it is beter then the Nikon one. And if all this is not enough, this has to be one of the few extreem zoom lenses that can be used on a film camera since the light cicle covers a full 24x36, but I still did not try it on my Nikon 90X though I'm quite eager to do so soon... I supose that I'll have to watch out not to get my feet in the frame at 12mm. ;)
Guest 23-Jan-2005 19:02
I have made a small comparison between the Sigma 12-24 and the Canon lenses 16-35, 17-40, and 24-70:
no body28-Nov-2004 00:16
and you can get a cheep gel filter and cut it down for the IR pix. WOrks great.
Guest 04-Nov-2004 13:39
True, but I simulate in photoshop instead. I have all the filters that I need - bar infrared!
Guest 31-Oct-2004 18:24
A truly amazing lens. One minor problem, difficult to find filters...only uses gelatin types.

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