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Canon EOS 20D
1/320s f/2.8 at 44.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Andrew Bott08-Jul-2009 02:55
Fantastic. The best in a great set.
Dennis Camp15-Apr-2009 00:51
Excellent portrait, I like the real feel.
Terry Bowker13-Apr-2009 21:19
Very nice image, a real winner!
David Gaar14-Jan-2009 20:31
Now that is one perfect portrait image. Well done. V.
Thierry Lucas09-Dec-2008 22:27
Beautiful portrait. V
zoe 14-May-2008 20:05
i LOVE this picture, its my favorite
nomada23-Mar-2008 15:32
Guest 19-Mar-2008 22:03
killer portrait!
Guest 22-Oct-2007 03:24
WOW! DAMN! what an intensity from a little face of her. Beauty at its best
Yves Rubin27-Aug-2007 23:58
What a beautiful image! Love her expression and intensity. V!
Guest 15-Aug-2007 18:30
Love the expression - great shot

Big v
Guest 13-Aug-2007 22:12
Wonderful expressive portrait. v.
Joel Escala13-Aug-2007 17:39
Love the expression and capture! V
Dawid Wnuk Photography13-Aug-2007 06:52
I agree the expression you have captured is quite amazing! Nice tight crop to strenghten the impact and here's a winner image! Well done. V.
Dawid W.
Mattias Backström13-Aug-2007 06:35
Wow, a girl with an attitude :) Nice capture!
Guest 10-Aug-2007 19:07
Excellent expression, she seems too serious and wise for her age. V
Robyco09-Aug-2007 12:50
Awesome !! (V)
Marisa Livet07-Aug-2007 18:52
Absolutely splendid!
Her hair is so well and sharply captures as peculiar element, to express movement, her eyes have such a deep look, full of personality.
I great portrait.
Guest 06-Aug-2007 21:34
Fantastic shot...Vote
bechhols19-Jul-2007 18:31
Great shot
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