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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Kindle photos for blog >> Kindle DX, K2, and K3 for the Kindleworld blog tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Paperwhite-3 screen-text comparison photos with Paperwhite-1 | Kindle Fires and Kindle Touch - 2011-2014 | Photos from Amazon Event Sept 6 2012 (press conference) | Kindle DX, K2, and K3 for the Kindleworld blog | Stuff TV video of Kindle 3 | Kindle 3 - Screen contrast comparison and web browser pictures | Kindle 2 3G Web Browsing photos for the Kindleworld blog | Kindle 2 SCREENSHOTS via the Kindle shift-alt-g combo | Kindle DX SCREENSHOTS via the Kindle shift-alt-g combo

Kindle DX, K2, and K3 for the Kindleworld blog

These include hands-on photos of Kindle DX web-browser screens in normal and landscape mode (with auto-rotation expanding the material into the wider screen mode (you don't want to do this much because the DX takes the time to REload the webpage from scratch) plus some images of its handling of PDF documents - for use with the A Kindle World blog.  Added 3 night-time shots of Kindle with Mighty Bright Ultra Flex 2 light.

This isn't a regular "photo gallery," but if interested in the now Kindle 3 (UK: K3) or the larger Kindle DX, the photos may help.  The new graphite model of DX, with a Pearl screen like the Kindle 3's, is expensive but has higher contrast, is trimmer, and works better for PDFs

Also, there's an earlier "Kindle 2" gallery with some of my wanderings involving the Kindle, including a Target store where I was able to see the Kindle2 and the Sony PRS-505 side by side, and a bit about a favorite Kindle jacket or cover which holds the Kindle and supports it upright for reading without needing to hold it.   See other galleries above for more on the Kindle 3.

Click on any image to get the larger version.  Then you can click on "Next" or "Previous" to see other ones.

*** ( For FULL SCREEN: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, maximize screen. ) ***

verve pics lightened and enlarged
verve pics lightened and enlarged
Scan from Beatles-50 Fabulous Years, by Robert Rodriguez
Scan from Beatles-50 Fabulous Years, by Robert Rodriguez
Scan 2 - from cropped 3x5 of Yukes,1940s
Scan 2 - from cropped 3x5 of Yukes,1940s
Very late breakfast with the DX, on the plane coming back
Very late breakfast with the DX, on the plane coming back
screencap: relative font size in vertical
screencap: relative font size in vertical
PDF screencap: relative font size in landscape
PDF screencap: relative font size in landscape
PDF With clip-on light at night, PDF in vertical mode
PDF With clip-on light at night, PDF in vertical mode
PDF Landscape mode makes it easier to read.
PDF Landscape mode makes it easier to read.
Jules Verne screensaver, with Clip-on light
Jules Verne screensaver, with Clip-on light
ESPN on the DX - version on pre-set bookmarks from Amazon
ESPN on the DX - version on pre-set bookmarks from Amazon
EPSN, auto-rotated
EPSN, auto-rotated
Engadget site works pretty well with the DX and K2
Engadget site works pretty well with the DX and K2
Landscape mode for previous pic
Landscape mode for previous pic
Zoomed up to show detail
Zoomed up to show detail
Next Engadget page w/NextPage button
Next Engadget page w/NextPage button
NextPaged again
NextPaged again
PDF The usual PDF electronics manual
PDF The usual PDF electronics manual
PDF Much more readable in Landscape mode
PDF Much more readable in Landscape mode
PDF I forgot to shoot the Landscape version.
PDF I forgot to shoot the Landscape version.
PDF Sheet music - full page
PDF Sheet music - full page
PDF Sheet music - rotated to landscape
PDF Sheet music - rotated to landscape
Kindle2 & DX w/ NY Times
Kindle2 & DX w/ NY Times
Generic font on Kindle 1 and smaller font on Kindle DX w/ margins adde
Generic font on Kindle 1 and smaller font on Kindle DX w/ margins adde
Kindle 2 font and Kindle DX with smaller generic font
Kindle 2 font and Kindle DX with smaller generic font
Kindle 1 and DX's generic fonts closer up
Kindle 1 and DX's generic fonts closer up
Kindle2 and DX's generic fonts closer up
Kindle2 and DX's generic fonts closer up
NYT photos are higher res with Kindle DX
NYT photos are higher res with Kindle DX
A Kindle World in normal portrait mode
A Kindle World in normal portrait mode
Blog page auto-rotated to landscape mode
Blog page auto-rotated to landscape mode
'NextPage' takes you -down- the page.
'NextPage' takes you -down- the page.
This is just a close-up to show the font better.
This is just a close-up to show the font better.