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Kindle photos for blog

These are photo sets used for the A Kindle World blog.

This isn't a regular "photo gallery," but for the blog readers interested in
the Kindle 2 or the larger Kindle DX, the photos might help.

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Paperwhite-3 screen-text comparison photos with Paperwhite-1
gallery: Paperwhite-3 screen-text comparison photos with Paperwhite-1
Kindle Fires and Kindle Touch - 2011-2014
gallery: Kindle Fires and Kindle Touch - 2011-2014
Photos from Amazon Event Sept 6 2012 (press conference)
gallery: Photos from Amazon Event Sept 6 2012 (press conference)
Kindle DX, K2, and K3 for the Kindleworld blog
gallery: Kindle DX, K2, and K3 for the Kindleworld blog
Stuff TV video of Kindle 3
gallery: Stuff TV video of Kindle 3
Kindle 3 - Screen contrast comparison and web browser pictures
gallery: Kindle 3 - Screen contrast comparison and web browser pictures
Kindle 2 3G Web Browsing photos for the Kindleworld blog
gallery: Kindle 2 3G Web Browsing photos for the Kindleworld blog
Googling with my old Kindle 1 at a restaurant, Nov. 2008
Googling with my old Kindle 1 at a restaurant, Nov. 2008
Kindle 2 SCREENSHOTS via the Kindle shift-alt-g combo
gallery: Kindle 2 SCREENSHOTS via the Kindle shift-alt-g combo
Kindle DX SCREENSHOTS via the Kindle shift-alt-g combo
gallery: Kindle DX SCREENSHOTS via the Kindle shift-alt-g combo