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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Kindle photos for blog >> Kindle 2 3G Web Browsing photos for the Kindleworld blog tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Paperwhite-3 screen-text comparison photos with Paperwhite-1 | Kindle Fires and Kindle Touch - 2011-2014 | Photos from Amazon Event Sept 6 2012 (press conference) | Kindle DX, K2, and K3 for the Kindleworld blog | Stuff TV video of Kindle 3 | Kindle 3 - Screen contrast comparison and web browser pictures | Kindle 2 3G Web Browsing photos for the Kindleworld blog | Kindle 2 SCREENSHOTS via the Kindle shift-alt-g combo | Kindle DX SCREENSHOTS via the Kindle shift-alt-g combo

Kindle 2 3G Web Browsing photos for the Kindleworld blog

The first 18 shots are -cell phone- pictures (Samsung A990) that will be used for various pieces at A Kindle World blog.

It's not really a "photo gallery," but if interested in miscellaneous Kindle 2 and M-Edge Platform photos, or a Kindle2 vs Sony PRS-505 gray-screen comparison, this may help.

    I added a photo of the Kindle 2 Facebook-wall posting

The Kindle cover used here is an an alternate to the thinner Amazon cover which uses the hinge feature and which I really like but it doesn't stand up.

Click on any image to get the larger version.  Then you can click on "Next" or "Previous" to see other ones.

*** ( For FULL SCREEN: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, maximize screen. ) ***

Posting to Amazon forums from a diem sum restaurant
Posting to Amazon forums from a diem sum restaurant
Close-up of post before trying to send it
Close-up of post before trying to send it
The diem sum
The diem sum
The Home library listing now lightly bolded
The Home library listing now lightly bolded
Sony PRS 505 and the Kindle 2, with M-Edge Platform cover
Sony PRS 505 and the Kindle 2, with M-Edge Platform cover
Another comparison of gray screens
Another comparison of gray screens
The Kindle 2, close-up
The Kindle 2, close-up
The Sony PRS-505, close-up
The Sony PRS-505, close-up
Googling Sony DVD model no. + reviews, at Target
Googling Sony DVD model no. + reviews, at Target
The Sony Hi-Res DVD player I was looking up
The Sony Hi-Res DVD player I was looking up
Using the M-Edge at a restaurant
Using the M-Edge at a restaurant
 M-Edge Platform showing support
M-Edge Platform showing support
The M-Edge cover flipped-over, showing pockets
The M-Edge cover flipped-over, showing pockets
Very good angle for reading
Very good angle for reading
At King Tsin in a cool lobby on a hot day
At King Tsin in a cool lobby on a hot day
My M-Edge Platform case catching the light from the door
My M-Edge Platform case catching the light from the door
A little more texture with this one
A little more texture with this one
M-edge Platform, at reading angle on the knee.
M-edge Platform, at reading angle on the knee.
Kindle 2 browsing and posting to Facebook
Kindle 2 browsing and posting to Facebook
Click below to play the Consumer Reports video.
Click below to play the Consumer Reports video.
At Costco next door - checking Kindle for web reviews of product
At Costco next door - checking Kindle for web reviews of product
Reading review of another product, during Costco hot dog break - 3/19/10
Reading review of another product, during Costco hot dog break - 3/19/10
Same webpage on Kindle - at  a better angle - 3/19/10
Same webpage on Kindle - at a better angle - 3/19/10