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Andrys Basten | all galleries >> ITALY Photos - Tuscany photos - 2006 (partial) >> Rome tourbus photos : Impressions from a doubledecker > Colosseum by night - 10:20pm
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03-MAY-2006 Andrys

Colosseum by night - 10:20pm

Rome, Italy

While just sitting across the street, enjoying the scene

Canon EOS 350D
0.60s f/4.0 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 13-Jul-2008 18:57
Great angle on this shot - brings out the best in the lightin.
(Ah keep comin back to it!)

Mike :o)
Guest 08-May-2007 15:22
I love this shot! Such a nice angle and the picture's colors give a feeling of warmth. Good job! (and thanks for your comments on my galleries).
Donna Rushton12-Jan-2007 04:43
AWESOME:) I like this very much.. My trip to Rome was for 7 hours.. so it was in and out.. and not night time pics.. Will be going back.. but next time for a much longer time.. And many more pictures.. Again LOVE this picture
Helen Betts19-Nov-2006 14:48
Strikiing composition and light.
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