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Andrys Basten | all galleries >> Galleries >> Kindle photos for blog > Googling with my old Kindle 1 at a restaurant, Nov. 2008
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13-NOV-2008 Andrys

Googling with my old Kindle 1 at a restaurant, Nov. 2008

Berkeley, California

Am using this pic in my A Kindle World blog, in which I mention
enjoying being able to use the 24/7 Internet access from almost anywhere, anytime,
free of monthly or any other charges. It's included in the purchase of the e-reader.
I use it mainly to look up products, reviews, and pricing when I'm on the streets shopping.

Also, it's easy to read latest news while catching a bite somewhere.  No need to hunt
for a wi-fi hotspot, hoping to find a free one.

This photo is of the Kindle 1, and I'm currently using the Kindle 2,
which does the Web more robustly and has better navigation features.

Canon PowerShot A710IS
1/25s f/2.8 at 5.8mm ISO200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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