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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > January 17
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January 17

Footbridge across the San Diego River at the Old Mission Dam in Santee

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/125s f/11.0 at 24.0mm iso200 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buz Kiefer22-Jan-2017 15:58
Beautiful work, Walter. V
Tom LeRoy22-Jan-2017 11:22
One of the best monochromes I've seen in a long time. Bravo, Walter! V
Ursula Miller21-Jan-2017 07:31
Beautiful capture, strong lines and great play with light and shadows. V
Allan Jay21-Jan-2017 05:03
Wonderful vantage point and great shadows accentuate the mood here,
Frank Brault21-Jan-2017 02:54
Superbly composed with so much depth. Beautiful tones and a terrific mood. V
Gustav Miller20-Jan-2017 09:04
Ein herrliches S/W Bild. Wunderbare Bildkomposition mit begeisternden S/W Werten. Ein Preisbild.
Bin begeistert von dieser Bildqualität. Gratulation.
Julie Oldfield19-Jan-2017 21:58
Fabulous in black and white. The lines are superb as is the POV. V
Bill Klein19-Jan-2017 20:50
Excellent POV! V!
Jean-Claude Riboulet19-Jan-2017 02:46
Great picture!V
Wintermeer19-Jan-2017 01:28
Definitely an interesting place- like the b/w
Carol How18-Jan-2017 22:37
Great view and tones!
Patricia Kay18-Jan-2017 22:31
Fabulous light,shadows and tones in this beautiful mono scene Walter...BV
David Buzzeo18-Jan-2017 16:31
I agree with all the comments. Very nice indeed. V
bill friedlander18-Jan-2017 16:09
Great perspective, nice how the shadows line up symmetrically on the bridge. V
Nora van Beek18-Jan-2017 14:49
This is so well composed and captured. I love the light and strong shadows. Outstanding work! BV!
Dave Petersen Photography18-Jan-2017 14:44
Such a well selected POV to emphasize the railings, lighting and shadows. A masterful composition Walter. This is so good!! VVV
marie-jose wolff18-Jan-2017 11:42
amazing play with lines, light and shadows! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal18-Jan-2017 07:02
Beautiful light and shadows, well captured Walter. V
William Barletta18-Jan-2017 06:39
Very effective POV ~V~
Bryan Murahashi18-Jan-2017 04:48
Great shadows in B&W.
Jim Coffman18-Jan-2017 03:26
Great capture with all these lines and shadows!!
Jean Chiasson18-Jan-2017 03:08
Beautiful and great composition Walter BV
globalgadabout18-Jan-2017 02:53
a graphic tour-de-force...scintillating image....V
Pierre18-Jan-2017 02:13
Le point de vue au niveau du sol est tout simplement magnifique, le traitement en noir et blanc est parfait! V
Gill Kopy18-Jan-2017 01:37
Such cool lines leading to the vanishing point and a great pov. V
laine18-Jan-2017 01:30
Great tones, Walter...nicely composed.
Neil Marcus18-Jan-2017 01:12
The tonal quality is arresting as is the diagonal lines and shadow pattern. "VVV"
Phil Orgeron18-Jan-2017 01:07
A wonderful, deeply moody image! V
Dan Greenberg18-Jan-2017 01:06
That is so cool, Walter! I love the way the shadows connect the two sides of the bridge in a visually pleasing way - emphasized even better in B&W ~BV~
Regine L.18-Jan-2017 01:05
Beautiful B&W - nice play with light and shadows. V
fotabug18-Jan-2017 00:51
Wonderful! V
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