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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> Best of my PaD 2010 > August 19
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19-AUG-2010 Walter O. Koenig

August 19

In the Evening

Ran into Buffalo Bill this evening.
Looked like he had a hard day at the office.

Nikon D300 ,Tokina 12-24mm f/4 AT-X AF Pro DX
1/200s f/8.0 at 16.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Michael J. Parkinson29-Mar-2011 23:00
Great shot Walter, congratulations on your win. I did not notice the briefcase until I read your caption!
cits_4_pets27-Mar-2011 02:15
Wonderful lighting and great character
Meggi Raeder25-Aug-2010 23:23
Great capture and wonderful light.
janescottcumming25-Aug-2010 21:24
Fantastic, right down to the turquoise ring on his middle finger! ~V~
LynnH23-Aug-2010 15:03
This is wonderful! What a find! V
Doug Cruden23-Aug-2010 05:46
LOL, he looks suitably relaxed though...super composition with those shadows and warm evening light, excellent shot!
Carol Rollins21-Aug-2010 16:25
Love the light and the shadows. Love his relaxed "I'm done for the day" pose.
Great shot Walter. ~
Jaime González21-Aug-2010 08:07
The long shadows tell us that the day is ending, now is time to have a beer and relax after a hard day's work! -V-
Guest 20-Aug-2010 15:26
cool shot! V
Pierre20-Aug-2010 14:27
Très beau avec l'ombre sur le mur! V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography20-Aug-2010 14:04
Excellent portrait, spot-on, Voted !
Colin Storey20-Aug-2010 12:35
Stunning candid with amazing light and shadows. v
pkocinski20-Aug-2010 12:32
Awesome image - everything everyone else said holds true!
Bartosz Kotulski20-Aug-2010 12:12
what a shot. cool pose, great light, nice warm it. Perfect summer time:)
Wenche Aune20-Aug-2010 11:38
Wonderful light and shadowas. Fantastic portrait. V
Jim Coffman20-Aug-2010 11:33
Simply classic!! BV+++
Stephanie20-Aug-2010 11:27
Ditto Gilles comment! Bv
Vince20-Aug-2010 10:38
Very impressive shot Walter. You have captlised' on the presence of the light and shadows for this wonderful shot. Vote.
laine20-Aug-2010 10:02
LOL...a nice juxtaposition here, Walter.
John Armstrong20-Aug-2010 09:49
Great picture, excellent caption! V
FrankB20-Aug-2010 09:46
terrific warm light...Bill looks great!....V
Guest 20-Aug-2010 09:38
The shadows are perfect here, great shot.
zyziza20-Aug-2010 09:30
Hi Bill! - Walter said.
Gilles Navet20-Aug-2010 09:23
All is great here
The tones, the subject, the shadows, the details !
Why briefcase and confrontation with the other elements ?
An image that speaks, a picture that tells me a story
Ken Chambers ARPS20-Aug-2010 08:59
So much detail, a great 'conversation piece' picture ... v
Mairéad20-Aug-2010 08:21
Beautiful warm lighting on this old timer. V
lou_rozensteins20-Aug-2010 07:37
Excellent composition framed in the shadow. Well done.
Ann...20-Aug-2010 07:33
I had to smile at the briefcase - like a time warp! Wonderful light.
Patricia Kay20-Aug-2010 07:17
Fantastic image Walter...BV
Guest 20-Aug-2010 06:46
Great shot.. wonderful lighting and shadow. V
Gerard Koehl20-Aug-2010 04:34
Splendide... V
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