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J. Scott Coile | all galleries >> People (18 Subgalleries) >> Gift (8 Subgalleries) >> Ellie's First Year >> Month 6 > Miss Messy
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Miss Messy


Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro
1/30s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
laine8223-Sep-2006 06:26
yes but it was gooood !! LOL!!
purpod23-Sep-2006 06:09
Great capture, Scott, Old Boy! Your angel is just gorgeous in apricot! ;^) GMV
jude23-Sep-2006 04:48
LOL.. is SHE messy or is the one feeding her messier?
Wonderful.. she's getting so big!
Bryan Ramsay23-Sep-2006 02:19
And the fun really begins ;o) Great candid! -BJ
Mindy McNaugher23-Sep-2006 01:23
She has the most magnificent eyes! Precious expression!
carol j. phipps22-Sep-2006 23:56
Your eyes! Superb!
Al Chesworth22-Sep-2006 23:26
A priceless image, save a copy for when she is older Scott.
Guest 22-Sep-2006 19:22
her expression is terrific, but it's the light in her eyes that elevates this.
b-w studio22-Sep-2006 19:19
fun shot!
Coleen Perilloux Landry22-Sep-2006 19:07
Gorgeous eyes. Looks like she's eating peaches or apricots.
Carole Stevens22-Sep-2006 18:51
I never grew out of this he he!
Wonderful shot !
Kathy Pedersen22-Sep-2006 17:36
I remember these days well, Just wait until she gets a hold of Spaghetti:) Priceless moments~
Pepe Zyman22-Sep-2006 16:45
Outstanding portrait!
markvm22-Sep-2006 16:42
Love this shot.
Guest 22-Sep-2006 16:14
LOL, just wait until she gets hold of one of those teething biscuits.
Faye White22-Sep-2006 15:51
still beautiful!!!
Bob Floyd22-Sep-2006 15:51
Let's see...Carrots? Sweet Potatos? I guess I need to study my baby food huh?
Great eyes! Yet another shoot she will want to get even with dad for later in life. ;-)
Jen Bixler22-Sep-2006 15:44
Miss Perfect!
Guest 22-Sep-2006 15:35
Impossibly gorgeous! Great shot Scott.
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