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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro

Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1990
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro Samples from 12541 available Photos more
g4/50/48650/3/91327959.InOXAhyl.jpg g9/01/618801/3/150203308.5SVWNmPC.jpg g4/01/618801/3/144376698.q9lFGJEX.jpg g4/85/582185/3/133673742.EN1iIyeh.jpg
g1/01/618801/3/132086489.4zReuzhi.jpg g6/01/618801/3/81165795.8Ilu3L2e.jpg g1/70/69970/3/105112982.D13Cj4XD.jpg g1/50/48650/3/115894951.KglsBuEQ.jpg
v3/05/531205/3/46900018.IMG_7509.jpg g2/01/618801/3/149747093.1SaDMp3J.jpg v3/30/414830/3/46020716._MG_2910.jpg g4/50/48650/3/90863360.KRxyTxQQ.jpg

Roger B09-Apr-2009 12:28
A great macro lens that doubles as a portrait lens. It's big and fairly heavy but the image quality is superb!
Guest 09-May-2007 02:57
I love this lens!!! I think it definitely deserves an "L" designation.
Joseph Levy14-Jun-2005 02:52
IMHO this is the best non L EF lens avaliable, super sharp with great color!

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