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21-SEP-2006 Yvonne

Thursday's Challenge...

Thursdays totally informal challenge is sensual curves...yours or anyone or thing else!

The flesh doesn't turn me on these days - past all that! Music, roses, a nice wine & chocolates does...but the easiest thing for me to photograph is either roses and/or my piano... and music can & often is sensual.

I had a bit of fun with some of my dud shots (lighting and space was difficult for me, the camera and tripod...)

~ one ~

two ~

~ Other CHALLENGE contributors ~

Jola Sheila Dan Deborah Andra Luther Ade Dave Chris.H Carol Veysel
Susan Werner Nordic Jessica Eckhart Cindi Priya Johnnyjag Scott.C
John.B Zak JD Barbara Esme Coleen Chrisse Michael Ray Tomasz
Carole Lee Lucie

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 29-Sep-2008 15:05
beautifull composition
Maxim Popykin18-May-2007 09:29
excellent composition & colors. ~V~
Donald Verger23-Sep-2006 06:56
i love love love4 this one and the bits of red reflections!
vote!!! great pov
Guest 22-Sep-2006 23:41
Great interpretation & composition, well done !
Scott Browne22-Sep-2006 23:22
Classic. Love it.
Kathy Pedersen22-Sep-2006 05:38
Stunning presentaion and a very original challenge!
shatterbug22-Sep-2006 02:25
Roses and music..very sensual stuff! Great colors here!
Guest 22-Sep-2006 01:22
Beautiful image Yvonne!
Guest 22-Sep-2006 00:33
Yes, indeed, a music can be sensual to the ears, curvy and soft. Excellent idea.
Guest 21-Sep-2006 23:24
I totally agree about music...
I love piano too!
Beautifully shot.
Cindi Smith21-Sep-2006 23:11
Great, Yvonne! I'm with you on that!
Barbara Heide21-Sep-2006 22:12
superb work!
Jackdad21-Sep-2006 20:37
PS great concept - GMV.
Jackdad21-Sep-2006 20:37
I can feel a tango coming on! :-D
Johnny JAG21-Sep-2006 19:48
Lovly image
Lee Rudd21-Sep-2006 18:17
very nice! black red and white... classic colours!
chrisse21-Sep-2006 18:17
Lovely Yvonne, roses are so sensual !
Carole Stevens21-Sep-2006 17:58
Great colours Yvonne very classy on the piano keys! V!
Jola Dziubinska21-Sep-2006 17:26
Lovely composition and colors.
beverley harrison21-Sep-2006 16:36
lovely take on sensual, works for me too!!
Guest 21-Sep-2006 16:31
Very nice innocent curve...This is better...
Guest 21-Sep-2006 16:30
Vedry nice innocent curve...This is better...
J. Scott Coile21-Sep-2006 16:30
A rose by any other name... Always works!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography21-Sep-2006 16:25
Creative work.
John Beck21-Sep-2006 15:52
I like it and think this is a very innovative take on today's challenge. Very good.
royalld21-Sep-2006 14:03
What is pictured here can certainly awaken the senses.
Great lighting and composition.
Sue Robertson21-Sep-2006 12:57
I think it fits well. Lovely image.
Jessica McCollum21-Sep-2006 12:16
Very classy and elegant!!!
Eckhart Derschmidt21-Sep-2006 12:10
Great shot! The emphasis is on sensual here, rather than on curves, even if the rosebud has nice curves indeed.
Susan Leigh21-Sep-2006 11:31
A nice interpretation, great composition!
Guest 21-Sep-2006 11:10
I love this - I almost posted a rose - gorgeous curves!
QUERIDO21-Sep-2006 10:54
very nice shot
wernere0121-Sep-2006 09:17
Great interpretation, Yvonne! And the curves and composition are wonderful. v
Sheila21-Sep-2006 09:09
A great idea! The rose has gorgeous curves.
Zak21-Sep-2006 08:57
This is great, Yvonne!
nordic21-Sep-2006 07:56
Nicely done, music and roses, very sensual :-)
Guest 21-Sep-2006 07:20
Dan Chusid21-Sep-2006 07:18
Nicely done Yvonne! Can hear the notes...
I just had to go with the flesh (but look closely):
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