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Yvonne | all galleries >> E x o t i c garden plants >> Australian parks and gardens >> Mt. Lofty Botanic Gardens in the Autumn of 2015 > Shady pathway
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21-APR-2015 Yvonne

Shady pathway

Mt. Lofty Botanic Gardens

Up the garden pathway alongside the lake

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Ceya29-Apr-2015 17:13
Great perspective, wonderful colours and light! V
Cindi Smith29-Apr-2015 01:58
What a lovely road! Tis a beautiful place!
Alexander Kazakov28-Apr-2015 07:32
Nice double perspective - walk and river! V
Bryan Murahashi28-Apr-2015 04:35
Beautiful colors. V
Janice Dunn28-Apr-2015 03:14
It must be a beautiful park Yvonne
Gill Kopy28-Apr-2015 01:07
Marvelous shadows and colours - so inviting V
laine27-Apr-2015 21:03
The water adds so much to the scene...very pretty colours, Von
LynnH27-Apr-2015 20:19
What a pretty place to walk. And I like the sculpture there in the distance! V
Martin Lamoon27-Apr-2015 19:26
A wonderful place, like the unusual 'art' piece by the pathway.
Ken Chambers ARPS27-Apr-2015 19:13
I am sure that you enjoyed your walk, Von
Johnny JAG27-Apr-2015 19:06
Very nice composition
borisalex27-Apr-2015 17:34
Great mix of colors and light over that peaceful scene! v.
Carol Rollins27-Apr-2015 13:55
A beautifully composed image. Looks like a wonderful place to take a long walk.
Tom LeRoy27-Apr-2015 13:38
Just the right tilt for effect, a beautiful walkway ! V
larose forest photos27-Apr-2015 13:28
Fabulous shot and scenery. It would be a marvelous place to visit. V
Kim27-Apr-2015 13:17
A beautiful scene! V
Stephanie27-Apr-2015 12:49
What a beautiful place to go for a walk! V
Jackdad27-Apr-2015 12:13
And a nice bit of water in there Von
hamery27-Apr-2015 11:14
Lovely light and shadow along this beautiful Yvonne. Love the nice patch of blue water inside the frame. BV
marie-jose wolff27-Apr-2015 09:48
a wonderful scenery, beautiful path along the lake! V
joseantonio27-Apr-2015 08:51
Beautiful composition.V.
fotabug27-Apr-2015 07:14
A gorgeous place!
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