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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> September 2014 ~ "S" Scavenger Hunt > Skilled
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Rene (the man pictured in the above image) is the husband of Pbaser, Mimi!
He was making the Volcano hot chocolate for us!
It was DELICIOUS!!!!!
Learn more about Rene's Cafe RIM HERE

Visit Mimi's Pbase site HERE

Please check out other Pbasers on the hunt HERE

Canon Powershot G12
1/15s f/2.8 at 6.1mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Milan Vogrin28-Sep-2014 11:18
Great image! V!
Alexander Kazakov25-Sep-2014 18:08
Outstanding!!!!!!!!! BV!!!!!
Yiannis Pavlis23-Sep-2014 13:26
Rene he is a very skilled man ,i see all the time his creations in Facebook ,some day i will visit him when i am in Philly .Great shot.V
Cindi Smith23-Sep-2014 02:29
That looks so yummy! I want some! V
MarcViskens22-Sep-2014 19:49
very nice shot
J. Scott Coile22-Sep-2014 19:35
Quite a brew.
François Fauchard22-Sep-2014 12:10
Wooo. I think it was an excellent chocolate ! Great picture. V
marie-jose wolff22-Sep-2014 07:57
great portrait, the volcano hot chocolate looks delicious! V
Mieke WA Minkjan22-Sep-2014 07:33
excellent photo of a worker in action Stephanie V
Jola Dziubinska22-Sep-2014 00:49
Cool video :)
Jola Dziubinska22-Sep-2014 00:47
Wow, you were at Rene's!!! I would love to join, I know his place is the best! :) V.
Janet Donnelly22-Sep-2014 00:09
Looks like a pretty big glass .... is it to share or does one person consume it all?
Janice Dunn21-Sep-2014 23:35
So that is chololate all over the table!! Looks yummy
LynnH21-Sep-2014 23:09
I'm with Nestor... at first I thought it was a magic trick! :) Great catch of the process. V
Karen Stuebing21-Sep-2014 20:32
Great portrait and I love the steam coming off the concoction. Which looks yummy. V.
Bob Davis21-Sep-2014 17:57
good image Stephanie
Nestor Derkach21-Sep-2014 17:44
Excellent image , and the hot chocolate sure does sound good as I type this comment.
At first glance I thought he was doing a magic trick until I read your words.
Colin Storey21-Sep-2014 17:27
Great portrait, that looks and sounds delicious. v
Walter Otto Koenig21-Sep-2014 14:49
Great photo of Rene, the video is even better to see and hear him in action with that blow torch and singing. "V"
Jeff Real21-Sep-2014 14:27
A really fantastic moment and candid portrait ~V~
Hank Vander Velde21-Sep-2014 13:37
Fantastic well captured portrait Stephanie.
Terry Sprague21-Sep-2014 13:20
Oh my, his persona says expert! V
Jim Coffman21-Sep-2014 13:09
A great image of this gentleman!! Well done..
globalgadabout21-Sep-2014 12:09
hot stuff...what an engaging fellow he seems..
Dara Su21-Sep-2014 12:07
Wonderful capture. V
Yvonne21-Sep-2014 11:22
What an interesting drink... looks all set for winter?
Fabulous photos... v
parallaxes aka Jean-Pierre Bijouard21-Sep-2014 09:36
Very tempting! Cool shot, Steph :^)
Blandine Mangin21-Sep-2014 08:15
superb ! v
Zeeby21-Sep-2014 07:30
Nice photo! V
Helen Betts21-Sep-2014 06:42
Well, it looks delicious, and a great capture of the chef in action. Love that steam rising in particular. V.
joseantonio21-Sep-2014 04:08
Interesting to see him in action.V.
Bill Ewart Jr21-Sep-2014 01:48
Volcano Hot Chocolate? Sounds amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Jean Chiasson21-Sep-2014 01:05
Wonderful candid scene Stephanie vote
Sandra Cooper21-Sep-2014 00:13
A great picture, Steph. I can smell it.:)
Guest 20-Sep-2014 23:04
Too good to be true. Worth a visit. V
John Lamb20-Sep-2014 22:50
The Alchemist in action. ~v~
larose forest photos20-Sep-2014 22:39
It looks absolutely wonderful and he looks like he really knows what he is doing. Super shot! V
henuly1photography20-Sep-2014 22:31
Fantastic capture Steph,love it!V
Kevin Warren20-Sep-2014 22:21
I like everything about this delectable image, Stephanie!
Faye White20-Sep-2014 21:35
Looks sinfully delicious!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)20-Sep-2014 21:30
Oh My.... :)) Seems good! Yum!! V
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