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strongmanmike2002 | all galleries >> Awards, discoveries and publications >> Awards >> David Malin Awards >> David Malin Awards 2012 > The Sword of Orion Full Frame
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10-DEC-2011 Press F11 for Full Screen view

The Sword of Orion Full Frame

Click on image above to see a close up

UK Astro Imaging Group Image of the Month

Highly Commended - David Malin Awards 2012

Shortlisted for 2012 Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Winner and Front Cover - Ice in Space Astronomy Calendar 2013

Vinyl disc album cover - Lights and Motion by Chronicle

Full frame displayed at 50% full size

If you are interested in one of these scopes contact me at:

Orion Optics AG12 F3.8
FLI ProLine 16803 CCD & CFW-5-7 + Atlas Focuser
Ha OIII = 60 60 min RGB = 10 10 10min (all bin 1X1) Astronomik filters
-30C chip temp, darks and flats (Astronomik Aurora Light Panel used for flats)
Focal length 1130mm
FOV = 1.8deg X 1.8deg
Image scale 1.6"/pix
Guide Camera: Starlightxpress SXVH9

Average seeing, heavy light pollution.

Equipment setup:

Some links to equipment used to take this image:

Orion Optics UK

Finger Lakes Instrumentation CCD cameras:

Astro-Elecronic FS2 scope GOTO controller:

Gerd Neumann and Astronomik filters:

MSB Software & Astroart 4

STAR Atlas:PRO planetarium software:

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 15-Dec-2011 09:17
Nice shot, Mike - that 1.8 degree field is just the right size. Its good to see the Running Man running away from Orion's sword !