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strongmanmike2002 | profile | all galleries >> Observatory and Equipment >> Previous observatories >> The powerful Orion Optics AG12 F3.8 Astrograph >> Results with the Orion Optics AG12 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Results with the Orion Optics AG12

FIRST LIGHT with new Orion Optics AG12 F3.8 Astrograph.

If you have any questions about Orion Optics or this scope please emal me at: and I can assist in getting you great service and a good deal on one of these powerful scopes.
F1 McLaren Scope
F1 McLaren Scope
Orion Optics UK AG12 - High resolution imaging
Orion Optics UK AG12 - High resolution imaging
Easy to load
Easy to load
Very light OTA...for me anyway :-P
Very light OTA...for me anyway :-P
Orion Optics AG12 F3.8 Astrograph
Orion Optics AG12 F3.8 Astrograph
Easy collimation
Easy collimation
Easy collimation
Easy collimation
McLaren Scope all setup!
McLaren Scope all setup!
Collimation with Catseye tools
Collimation with Catseye tools
Taking flats with the Aurora Flatfield Panel
Taking flats with the Aurora Flatfield Panel
Pointing overhead
Pointing overhead
The setup in action on first light
The setup in action on first light
New Lambton Observatory
New Lambton Observatory
Plenty of dew but not on the optics
Plenty of dew but not on the optics