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Marcia Colelli04-May-2009 01:13
very sweet V
Barbara Heide04-May-2009 00:14
so sweet! v
MarcWildPassion03-May-2009 21:40
Very nice kid portrait.
Antonis Sarantos03-May-2009 20:39
Couldn't be better!
Milos Markovic03-May-2009 10:23
A big part in getting older...
Wenche Aune03-May-2009 06:04
Wonderful portrait. V
Cindi Smith03-May-2009 00:58
Perfect image of this wonder eyed little girl. Your work constantly amazes me!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther02-May-2009 17:53
Wonderful portrait! V
laine02-May-2009 13:57
Only the eyes of a child can look like this...bravo, Chris.
Ray :)02-May-2009 13:05
Such a wonderous expression.
J. Scott Coile02-May-2009 11:27
Sweet innocense.