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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Closer Look at the Flumes
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19-JAN-2013 Sandi Whitteker

Closer Look at the Flumes

Truckee Valley, NV

In this pic of the ice formations, you can really see the work< that went into
these 100 year old flumes. Now that the ice has almost melted off them with some
warmer weather, I realize how lucky we were to shoot them with this much ice on them.

I'm honored to say that this picture was selected by Nevada Magazine,
to be published as a two page layout in their March/April 2013 Issue.

Visit the Carsons City Living Gallery, for more photos from this area, at...

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Juan Leon17-Dec-2013 21:51
Very nice Sandi, and without the need of a high shutter speed to froze the water :)
David Frank 08-May-2013 02:00
Looks fascinating and mysterious - like something out of Lord of the Rings!
Jim Stiles27-Feb-2013 14:16
Magnificent shot, Sandi! Congrats on getting it published!!!

Bart Aldrich21-Feb-2013 22:46
Burr! I don't do cold anymore. But pretty.
Tom LeRoy04-Feb-2013 17:24
Well done shot with great details. Unusual to see this much ice. V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad02-Feb-2013 22:06
Awesome! Voted
Ken Chambers ARPS01-Feb-2013 21:26
Lovely picture Sandi
Apostolos Tikopoulos01-Feb-2013 20:00
Wonderful composition. V.
Gayle P. Clement01-Feb-2013 16:28
Cold and beautiful.
Gerard Koehl01-Feb-2013 16:27
Superbe. V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)01-Feb-2013 16:19
Fantastic shot Sandi, clear and sharp, well framed....
globalgadabout01-Feb-2013 16:10
super shot Sandi...what a contrast in colours and forms...V
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