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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA > JuneBug
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Sandi Whitteker


Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA

This little guy never took his eyes off me, as he munched his way around
this flower. Can you see the bit of pollen on his nose from his meal? Pains
me when I see people swatting at these beautiful iridescent creatures.

Third Place, 235th Show and Tell Contest, "Macro"

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jeff B.28-Oct-2013 15:10
Amazing photo. So sharp and vibrant. V
Jola Dziubinska08-Mar-2012 21:52
Fabulous macro and colors, Sandi. V.
Long Bach Nguyen22-Nov-2011 08:18
brilliant V
Guest 09-Nov-2011 23:20
Excellent macro, Sandi !
Sam Rua09-Nov-2011 22:58
Nicely captured, Sandi. I remember catching these as a young boy and flying them like a powered kit on the end of a piece of light thread. Yes, they aren't the most graceful of fliers, but totally harmless. Now, I can tell you that Palo Verde beetles are even less graceful and have some really nasty mandibles that can deliver a pinch that will draw blond!
Stephanie09-Nov-2011 22:17
Beautiful capture Sandi! I'm not a fan of junebugs, but your image is superb! V
PauloCGama09-Nov-2011 22:11
Beautiul colors & fab details, Sandi.
Graeme09-Nov-2011 19:49
Superb details and close up, Sandi.BV
Guest 09-Nov-2011 18:33
Superb! _V_
Ken Chambers ARPS09-Nov-2011 18:19
Wonderful details of this emerald green bug.
Guest 09-Nov-2011 17:43
Beautiful detail and clarity, Sandi. Excellent macro image. BV
Guest 09-Nov-2011 17:19
Paula Krugerud09-Nov-2011 16:18
Wow Sandi, what an amazing and gorgeous shot of this beautiful guy! Well done!
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