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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA > Raindrops
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Sandi Whitteker


Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA

And we almost didn't go... because of the rain. Sometimes the most unlikely weather can be full of surprizes.
It turned out that way when we braved the storm and kept our plan to visit the Botanical Gardens.
It was fascinating to see how the rain droplets decorated each plant and flower so differently.

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January Grey04-Feb-2012 07:18
lovely rain droplets! A beautiful capture!
Walter Otto Koenig03-Feb-2012 17:20
Very nicely shot Sandi, I like your processing work too. The best shots I've gotten at the Botanical Gardens have been in the rain or right afterward.
Guest 03-Feb-2012 15:05
beautiful drops Sandi, now I am singing all day, raindrops keep falling on my head.
Guest 03-Feb-2012 14:45
Love this one. Especially the droplets!
Fong Lam03-Feb-2012 14:01
A very refreshing capture with those crystal clear raindrops..V
Stephanie03-Feb-2012 13:54
As long as you can keep your camera dry, rainy days can provide fabulous images. This is wonderful Sandi! The droplets look so fresh and pretty! V
Peter Stubley03-Feb-2012 13:14
Very nice -- droplets are always cool!
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