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Samir Kharusi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sizing Planetary Images To Compare vs The Theoretical Limits For Your OTA > Jupiter 2011 October 27
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2011 Oct 27

Jupiter 2011 October 27

JPL simulations for the 2011 Opposition of Jupiter. Some juicy, large planet! Should be a great opportunity, even for scopes as small as 3 inches to chase recording the Equatorial Belts. Make sure that "original" below right is activated. Interesting to note that in these days of advanced webcams that can achieve high frame rates to overcome seeing, a number of practitioners do approach the diffraction-limited quality in the Nyquist Display for C11s and C14s. My expectation is that apertures larger than a C14 will become very desirable as the cameras get more sensitive and achieve ever higher frame rates. 30 fps does seem to overcome much of the seeing problems we experienced in earlier times. Used to be a C11 was the largest useful OTA for planetary imaging; now the diffraction-limits of a C14 seem within the grasp of a few individuals located at places with good to excellent seeing.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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