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rousselziak | all galleries >> Galleries >> D' Ici et Là by Nathalie > Le pêcheur.
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Nathalie Roussel

Le pêcheur.

Nikon D3X
1/100s f/16.0 at 105.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Maciej Chachulski27-Jan-2013 10:33
Full harmony of shapes, colors and light. Perfect. V
Photo.Keely10-Dec-2012 22:18
Interesting image! V.
Yvonne12-Nov-2012 11:13
Contemplation...a quiet moment... v
Guest 02-Nov-2012 12:59
C'est plein d'obstacle, j'espère que les poisson se rendront là! V
Irena Jurecic21-Sep-2012 06:44
Wonderful scene, very good composed. Well seen, well done. V
Alexander Kazakov21-Sep-2012 04:19
Great atmosphere! V
J S Quesada20-Sep-2012 20:24
Fabulous capture! Love the mood. V
NealyBob20-Sep-2012 03:11
A very peaceful and tranquil scene~! Well done~!V
Stephanie19-Sep-2012 21:25
Quiet solitude. V
Peter Sussex19-Sep-2012 20:28
Peaceful and greatly framed scene. V
rousselziak19-Sep-2012 17:25
Superbe ! -V-
Michael Tauber19-Sep-2012 17:05
Special and beautiful photo.
Guest 19-Sep-2012 15:53
Excellente capture !!!
Walter Otto Koenig19-Sep-2012 15:16
Wonderful composition and atmosphere. "V"
Guest 19-Sep-2012 14:29
Nice mood!! -V-
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