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Robert D. McAlpine | all galleries >> CLASS: AVES - Birds - Oiseaux >> FAMILY ANATIDAE - Ducks, Geese, and Swans >> Canada Geese - (Branta canadensis) - Bernache du Canada > Motherly love.
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Motherly love.

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Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 300mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/160s f/7.1 at 600.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Len13-May-2013 22:43
An excellent capture - Luv it!!!V.
godro07-Apr-2013 01:07
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)03-Sep-2011 19:08
Lovely light and colours.VVV
Range View 14-Jun-2011 08:23
A very special capture Robert, fantastic find. V.
Beautiful composition and detail.
January Grey09-May-2011 03:34
How cute is that? Beautifully captured!!
henuly1photography11-Mar-2011 04:37
good capture!!!
Dave Hawkins30-Jan-2011 06:11
Wonderful image, what a tender moment V
anuschka26-Oct-2010 11:41
Oh how sweet and what a great place to be for the little one! V.
(thanks for stopping by!)
Norman Rich17-Oct-2010 05:22
What a joy to discover, this fine endearing photograph.
bluebirdstar03-Oct-2010 00:41
This is one of the photographs you can never is so full of love.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet15-Jul-2010 12:07
Pierre Landry09-Jul-2010 04:14
What a wondeerful picture, you captured an amazing moment! V
Fabienne07-Jul-2010 22:23
C'est une magnifique photo de l'amour maternelle.
C'est adorable.
Lieve Snellings24-May-2010 14:23
so sweet ! V
jychamberland23-May-2010 17:11
amazing capture Robert!
Patricia Kay23-May-2010 12:58
Wonderful image Robert...Amazing composition colors and details...BV
Guest 23-May-2010 06:43
Fabulous capture Bob.. wonderful detail and colour. Love this! V
Walter Otto Koenig23-May-2010 02:39
Great shot. Very nice timing to capture this wonderful moment. "V"
Marcia Colelli23-May-2010 01:43
Such a sweet capture, love it, V
Guest 23-May-2010 00:57
Totally sweet image, Robert. Excellent. V
Jean D22-May-2010 23:54
WOW! Terrific shot Robert!It doesn't get any better!
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