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1995 Pablo Yañez

Day 1: Mother and Newborn

Durham, NC

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Sam Rua22-Sep-2013 03:24
That's a fantastic capture. I hope you have this printed and on display somewhere.
Milan Vogrin22-Nov-2010 08:40
Guest 26-Mar-2009 21:09
Ella muestra un semblante de logro y tranquilidad, muy bien captado!
Francisco Figueras04-Aug-2007 09:25
interesante expresión! buena composición!
Stefan Filla26-May-2007 07:58
A very expression-strong photo succeeded to you there.
In the face of the lucky mother one can recognize the effort and exhaustion of the last hours.
Guest 04-Feb-2007 09:10
Very nice picture, expression....bravo
rsub813-Jan-2007 17:56
Very beautiful expression on her face. Exhaustion, yet placidity, peace and happiness is there. Wonderful image. 12-Oct-2006 20:15
The photo of the young mother is superb.
She is in focus , the baby is not, the touch of light in her eyes is fanatstic. It's from the window I know but you got it!.
billy webb04-Jun-2006 15:49
Pablo, This defines the essence of all that is sacred. You have captured a very tender and compelling scene, that fills me with a sense of hope! Very well done.
Kees Terberg10-May-2006 22:55
Very touching and impressive. Amazing... ten years must have flown by didnt they... ?
Guest 16-Mar-2006 06:29
Fantastic and delicate portrait of a young mother. If they are yours: be VERY proud!