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Favorites: both yours (by hits) and mine (ugly ducklings that nobody seems to notice). Guess which are which - I'm always surprised as to the differences of what I and others like... Please feel free to leave comments or questions regarding this gallery.

If you are interested in acquiring any of the images you see here, please visit my other webpage, Modern Stills, where you can order any of the photos in a wide variety of sizes and media.

If you don't see the photo your are interested in at Modern Stills, just drop me a message that lets me know which photo you are interested in, and I'll quickly add it so you can purchase it. At that website I've priced the small prints (4X6 and 5*7) at very affordable prices in case you would like to see a printed version before you order a larger print.

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On Ice
On Ice
Houses and boats at low tide
Houses and boats at low tide
View from Antillanca Volcano
View from Antillanca Volcano
Balloon People
Balloon People
Sleek Silvery Death
Sleek Silvery Death
S&M, Nature Style
S&M, Nature Style
Feathered Serpent, Chac-Mool, and  Kukulkan Pyramid
Feathered Serpent, "Chac-Mool", and Kukulkan Pyramid
Wolf Spider
Wolf Spider
Dock and Sound
Dock and Sound
Prague Castle (Hradcany) - Gargoyle guarding St. Vitus
Prague Castle (Hradcany) - Gargoyle guarding St. Vitus
Patagonia: Serrano Glacier and Sky
Patagonia: Serrano Glacier and Sky
Good Day on the James
Good Day on the James
Ice from Balmaceda Glacier
Ice from Balmaceda Glacier
Eye Sky
Eye Sky
Blue Tailed Skink (Eumeces fasciatus)
Blue Tailed Skink (Eumeces fasciatus)
Glassy Calm - Ultima Esperanza Fjord
Glassy Calm - Ultima Esperanza Fjord
San Xavier Balcony, Tower
San Xavier Balcony, Tower
Maritime Forest Trees
Maritime Forest Trees
Strahov Monastery Library
Strahov Monastery Library
Pyramid of the Magician
Pyramid of the Magician
Friends and Rio
Friends and Rio
Cajon del Maipo Talus Cone
Cajon del Maipo Talus Cone
Old Fishing Boat - Ultima Esperanza
Old Fishing Boat - Ultima Esperanza
Day 1: Mother and Newborn
Day 1: Mother and Newborn
Rat Terrier Pup
Rat Terrier Pup
Aspen Sky
Aspen Sky
Prague Castle (Hradcany) --Original Version
Prague Castle (Hradcany) --Original Version
Boys on the Beach
Boys on the Beach
Dry Lake
Dry Lake
Salto el Leon, one of many near Pucon
Salto el Leon, one of many near Pucon
Rainbow Over Dorotea Range
Rainbow Over Dorotea Range
The Fish and the Angel
The Fish and the Angel
Patagonia: Condor and Cuernos 2
Patagonia: Condor and Cuernos 2
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