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Susan Leigh | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenge > smiley..
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17-OCT-2006 ©MSP2006


Thursday challenge - 'Catch a Smile'

others chasing cheesey's are listed in the forum here:Challenge FORUM this better then..

Canon PowerShot SD400
1/60s f/4.9 at 17.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Nicki Thurgar21-Oct-2006 16:22
What a gorgeous little face, love the eye contact!
Wei O'Connell21-Oct-2006 02:59
So sweetand cute! Beautiful smile! vote
northstar3720-Oct-2006 19:23
a quizical smile
Linda Willets20-Oct-2006 04:27
great closeup
Cindi Smith20-Oct-2006 03:00
Beautiful closeup and great smile!
shatterbug20-Oct-2006 00:27
Lol, great that expression!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:36
Heyyy. Handsome boy...
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:18
What a beautiful shot. I love the crop. This is a perfect shot.
Chris19-Oct-2006 21:53
Beautiful capture - Chris
Guest 19-Oct-2006 20:51
Very cute, I love the eyes...
laine8219-Oct-2006 20:27
hehehe, cute !!
wernere0119-Oct-2006 20:09
Great shot. A rather sceptical smile though.
Carole Stevens19-Oct-2006 20:06
Sooo gorgeous Susan! Beautifully captured and great comp too! BIG V!
chrisse19-Oct-2006 20:04
Cute attempt to smile, so sweet.
Jessica McCollum19-Oct-2006 19:39
Certainly made me smile! Great capture!
beverley harrison19-Oct-2006 18:26
wonderful smile!!
Zak19-Oct-2006 18:07
CJ Burianek19-Oct-2006 17:42
Love the expression here!
royalld19-Oct-2006 16:13
I can hear his conversation, now.
"Smile? Why do you want me to smile?"
JSWaters19-Oct-2006 14:02
They're both great - and so totally 'boy'.
Dan Chusid19-Oct-2006 12:30
Yes, sometimes tough to get the boys to smile.
: )
Yvonne19-Oct-2006 12:01
Gorgeous smile, delightful!
Jen Bixler19-Oct-2006 11:37
Oh, I like this one! Love that look!
Eckhart Derschmidt19-Oct-2006 11:15
Just wrote to Tomasz that it is not easy to get boys to smile. That's a point in case (But at least the beholder has to smile when he/she sees such efferts). Great shot!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 11:01
Barbara Heide19-Oct-2006 11:00
so sweet! really nice smile!
Sheila19-Oct-2006 09:52
He's lovely.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography19-Oct-2006 09:09
At least he tried :)))
Good shot/
Jola Dziubinska19-Oct-2006 08:54
Very sweet :)