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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > PaD Mosaic
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PaD Mosaic

Well, you knew I'd end up doing something like this. :) I had thousands of pictures that I didn't use during my Picture a Day for a Year project, and HAD to find some way to use them! This picture was made with 3,270 images taken during my project. The final picture has 4,240 little square pictures in it, so you'll notice some of them show up more than once. All the little pictures were taken by me during my PaD year. The full sized version of this picture is a bit bigger than this and it prints out quite clearly at 20x30 inches.

I figured I'd post it here to give the rest of you one more idea of what you can do at the end of your project. Enjoy! Oh yeah, one other thing. The software I used was Centarsia.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Arlon06-Jan-2009 13:20
That has to be one of the coolest pictures I've seen on Pbase... What a great way to use those left over pixels..
Cas 16-Oct-2007 06:41
you are sooo clever! how long did this take you to put together?
Squared C24-Sep-2006 17:35
This is such a great idea. I've often wondered what to do with the photos that just didn't make it. Now I have an idea! Thanks! Do you know of any other software that does this?
Lucy 13-Jun-2006 23:20
This is excellent, I just looked up Centarsia and it seems they are 'no longer supporting or distributing Centarsia' so I am really disappointed! :( This is wonderful, well done!
Zane Paxton25-May-2006 06:53
Fabulous, just fabulous!
Guest 03-Jan-2006 21:03
wonder wonder. pleasssse tell me what software did you use?
Ahmed Shehab16-Nov-2005 07:09
What an awosme Idea Paul.. i do like it alot,, it's so cool ... good luck man :) .
stephanie 14-Nov-2005 20:09
Hey paul, well its me stephy….. so what have you been up to???
When are you going to come and pick me up so that you could take pics of me???
I really want to and remember, with my costume…..… I wanna give them to my homegirls and homies.
Well just write to me in my yahoo messenger when you get this.
Bye … take care
BAS Photography10-Nov-2005 23:24
Guest 31-Aug-2005 20:59
W O W ! ! !
Guest 16-Aug-2005 19:06
Wow.. now thats a neat idea.. and excellently done.. i dont know how much work the softwaredoes and your effort.. but i guess theremust be some customization and post processing theretoo.. Great 'ArtWork' Paul !
Guest 08-Jul-2005 23:08
This is Amazing!
Guest 06-Jun-2005 14:15
awesome pieces to the puzzle, gmv
ruthemily24-Mar-2005 12:21
this is phenomenal....WOW! i'm impressed. thanks for inspiring me.
Guest 14-Mar-2005 00:50
Amazing work. Your montage inspired me to do one for myself, so I did it over the weekend for my first 6 months of PaD. I'll have it up later tonight for tomorrow's posting. Thanks for the idea, and the tips on how to execute it. I printed it out at 11x17 and already dropped it off for framing - it's so awesome seeing it in print. I can't wait for the full year's 20x30 version. Thanks a ton. WynnA
Alistair08-Mar-2005 15:03
Brilliant !! I love this piece - Great job !
katwilkens09-Feb-2005 20:35
This is simply fabulous!! I'd love to do something like it but it seems too daunting.
Guest 10-Jan-2005 16:47
That's great Paul. Truly something different at Pbase, which I'd love to have a go at some time.
Ron Lutz II09-Nov-2004 16:26
Holy smokes! That's just amazing!
Guest 08-Nov-2004 09:11
Fantastic work putting together the mosaic. I can imagine the software you used took quite a while shuffling all those images around to lay them in place.
Pepe Zyman18-Oct-2004 19:00
You are an amazing guy!
Leo Charette15-Oct-2004 13:40
This is one of the more impressive images I've seen on PBase. What a creative idea and so perfectly executed. Guess I should save all to PAD discards, huh? Thanks for the inspiration.
Guest 24-Aug-2004 14:12
Wow! This is awesome!
Dawn09-Aug-2004 02:48
Pulled up the original on this.. AWESOME Paul!
Ray :)26-Jul-2004 00:04
Goodness, this is something else. Reminds me of the introduction to the Michael Parkinson chat show we had until recently over here on the BBC.
Guest 20-Jul-2004 02:20
WOW, Paul! this is awesome! i've always wanted to make something like this, i'll have to check out the software. VERY cool
blu17-Jul-2004 13:39
waitolee14-Jul-2004 15:40
Thanks for Sharing !!!
Guest 01-Jul-2004 05:09
Guest 26-Jun-2004 23:22
Wow, this is awesome!!!
Guest 26-Jun-2004 18:39
i love that style.
Guest 26-Jun-2004 15:03
Really stunning!
Caige 26-Jun-2004 13:58
There is an eye on your nose! :) This is awesome, Paul! I would love to have a copy of this! :) Really really cool! You never cease to amaze me! :)
Faye White26-Jun-2004 13:46
You are amazing! This is so awesome!
Larry Ahern26-Jun-2004 13:22
OK ... to say 'that's impressive' is greatly understated! But that's impressive!!
Gary Blanchette26-Jun-2004 12:52
My nephew did this once and I always wanted to ask what software he used. Great job Paul...
Joseph Tidwell26-Jun-2004 11:51
This is so cool! I have a puzzle like this, except its not a pic of you lol.
Pall Gudjonsson26-Jun-2004 11:26
Paul - This is a real masterpiece !!!!!!!
CJ Morgan26-Jun-2004 10:04
Most excellent. Most excellent indeed.
Guest 26-Jun-2004 07:51
This IS so cool!! OK! I feel like a little kid playing "Where's Waldo" I found 3 of me, 2 with my pink scarf and one of me holding up the picture you gave me outside my house. Did I get them all or was there a special secret piccie in there?? LOL!!
Lou Giroud26-Jun-2004 07:41
Awesome job, Paul, i have saved this picture to my PC since it is realy stunning. Takes time and patience to do this kind of setup
Guest 26-Jun-2004 07:08
That is awesome!
Jvan Photography26-Jun-2004 06:43
Very very very cool! :-)
Karen Leaf26-Jun-2004 06:15
That's pretty slick! Great job.
Gayle P. Clement26-Jun-2004 05:47
Wonderful, Paul. Thanks for sharing the name of the software.
Robin Reid26-Jun-2004 05:44
Very cool Paul. Bravo.
Paul Walters26-Jun-2004 05:42
The software I used was Centarsia .
Argishti Khachik26-Jun-2004 05:42
this is amazing! very very nice!
the idea is great!
Guest 26-Jun-2004 05:38
very cool. what software did you use?