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This is a small selection of my impressions from a trip to Australia in October 2005.
To see more of my photography on my personal website please click:: HERE::
g6/06/522406/3/84762787.kxZaZ4PY.jpg Mangrove Sundown Footprints Long way down River Morning
London Bridge Twelve Apostles Red lichen Water Taxi Morning mist
Piggy back ride Pavement Art 3 Pavement Art 4 Pavement art 1 Pavement art 2
Mother and baby Rocks 2 Rock 3 Moreton Bay Fig Rocks 4
After the Bushfire Shop Window Dummy Rocks 5 Stone Wall Walls Within Walls
Big Mouth Rainforest Magic Gum Bark Splitters Falls Feeling Blue
Earl loves Sherry... Cairns Harbour Kuku Yalanji Tribesman Treescape Last light
Before Dawn Flower Power Wind Farm Bush Seaweed
End of another perfect day Takeoff On the Edge Dove Lake Rocks 1
Crimson Rosella Beach Surfing 1 Surfing 2 It helps if you start young
Promenade Dove Lake 2 Sugar Cane Two Mums Salmon Coloured Lychen
Seaweed Nature's Jewels Shimmer Early Morning Gumtree Sydney Opera House
Sydney Rust Coloured Lychen Water and Moss The end of the Day How are you today?
Last Light Unfurling Frond Green Clad Rocks Together Bench
g3/06/522406/3/55724797.09800w_filtered.jpg Tasselated Pavement Deserted Beach Port Arthur Sandstorm
Remarkable Rocks Remarkable Rocks Remarkable Rocks Remarkable Rocks Remarkable Rocks
Remarkable Rocks Remarkable Rocks Remarkable Rocks Remarkable Rocks Cave View
Remarkable Rocks Barrossa Valley Sundown Early Light Remarkable Rocks.jpg