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settler29-Dec-2011 16:27
Craig Persel08-Aug-2011 20:04
Brilliant. V
Cindi Smith05-Aug-2011 03:07
Way cool! Awesome work!
Guest 04-Aug-2011 22:54
wow... excellent... V
Ray :)04-Aug-2011 22:16
Three Roes? ;-)
lou_rozensteins04-Aug-2011 21:53
Excellent! In this one I think the toning makes all the difference. It gives equal importance to the old wallpaper as to the picture of the deer. Very well done.
Ana Carloto O'Shea04-Aug-2011 09:07
Very interesting work. Almost monochrome, though those spots of crimson on the top work rather well.
Jeanne Newman04-Aug-2011 06:27
You astound me in how you see. There is not one image that you have posted that I have ever found to be "ordinary." You simply aren't at all common in your perspective, Roe. I am in awe of your ability to consistently surprise and delight the viewer. Brava! v.
shatterbug04-Aug-2011 05:26
...and with good reason...great eye you have!
teachpeace04-Aug-2011 03:21 it.
Guest 04-Aug-2011 03:17
Wonderful work. V.
12304-Aug-2011 03:06
Excellent. V
Margot W04-Aug-2011 02:43
The framing on this picture is lovely.
My first impression of this is of Walt Disney's Bambi.
I also like the toning you used.