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© Jean Durepos

Good old Southern Hospitality....


*Best viewed in Original format*

Exquisite meals, lots of sunshine, a tolerant farmer who provided my made to measure lawn chair and a beautiful location.. What more could a big Gator ask for...

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)29-Sep-2018 08:17
Well Done...excellent work!Vote
Frank Tran29-Jan-2013 06:25
Nice reflections and great details. V+
Apostolos Tikopoulos26-Apr-2012 19:04
Very nice capture. Great tones and details. V.
Guest 15-Mar-2012 02:03
Seems happy enough. Good shot.
Dennis Swayze05-Mar-2012 22:48
Your humor and capture made me smile...nice work.
Cheers !
janescottcumming29-Feb-2012 18:33
Perfect shot and reflection. V
Ken Chambers ARPS29-Feb-2012 18:05
Happy Days
Ali Majdfar29-Feb-2012 07:02
Fantastic crop, great capture! ~V
Marcia Colelli29-Feb-2012 02:44
Very nice capture. Great details V
Simon Chandler29-Feb-2012 02:31
Beautiful capture with a nice mood. v
Gill Kopy29-Feb-2012 02:21
One happy Gator - love it Jean V
Frank Brault28-Feb-2012 23:09
A beautiful shot. Love the reflection. V
Pierre28-Feb-2012 22:59
Une pose magnifique! V
Hank Vander Velde28-Feb-2012 22:04
Nice shot Jean. I hope you shook its paw.
bill friedlander28-Feb-2012 19:14
He looks like a biggie. Nice detailed shot with a lovely reflection. V
Lieve Snellings28-Feb-2012 17:10
taking a sun-nap... so beautiful Jean ! V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet28-Feb-2012 15:40
Impressionnant et intéressant de pouvoir l'observer en plein bain de soleil.
Nestor Derkach28-Feb-2012 15:01
Perfect in the wide format presentation.
Love the composition and the reflection with excellent light.
Nice resolution.
Vote 10+
marko gregoric28-Feb-2012 14:03
Stunning shot. V
Jim Coffman28-Feb-2012 13:52
Nothing like a little nap! Nice capture,Jean!
pkocinski28-Feb-2012 13:11
Look at the smile on his face :-)
olivier bruning28-Feb-2012 12:47
lol... unfortunately, I have another appointment already!
Fong Lam28-Feb-2012 12:10
A very contented Gator for sure...nice capture and reflections, Jean! V
Alain Boussac28-Feb-2012 09:37
Impressive and superbly taken with the reflection. V.
lou_rozensteins28-Feb-2012 08:27
Looks very pleased with itself too! Great shot with excellent detail!
January Grey28-Feb-2012 07:35
great shot & reflection, jean! V~
Gerard Koehl28-Feb-2012 05:35
Excellente prise. V
larose forest photos28-Feb-2012 03:48
Superb capture of this contented looking 'gator! V