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Lake Erie Sunrise 20081024

Lake Erie, named after the first nation Erie people who lived along the lake's southern shore,
is the eleventh largest lake globally by surface area (9,910 sq miles / 25,700 sq km)
and fourth largest of North America’s Great Lakes by surface area and smallest by volume
(116 cubic miles / 484 cubic km).

95 percent of Lake Erie's total inflow of water comes from the upper lakes (Superior, Michigan,
and Huron), the rest coming from numerous tributaries and precipitation.

Lake Erie, being the shallowest of the Great Lakes (avg 62 ft/19 m, max 210 ft/64 m), is especially
prone to fluctuating water levels. Wind pushing the water from one end of the 241 mile long (388 km)
lake toward the other end have produced large short term changes in water levels at the eastern and
western ends of the lake, the record being more than 16 ft (4.88 m)!

Point Pelee National Park in Lake Erie is the southernmost point on Canada's mainland.

Photographed on Canada's south coast at Sherkston Shores, Ontario.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ed Barna30-Nov-2014 20:36
If you ever get the chance, go to where Elk Creek contributes to Lake Erie near Lake City in Pennsylvania. The layers of eroded shale make it a small natural wonder. My father took us there because he and his brothers would swim in Elk Creek after working on their family's farm in North Girard in the early 1930s.
Lieve Snellings01-Feb-2009 02:25
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik19-Jan-2009 07:21
Fantastic sunrise! The color and composition are spectacular.
Kerry Tingley04-Nov-2008 14:19
Just Beautiful! Lovely colors and the seagull is a definite "Bonus". ;-)
Karen Moen27-Oct-2008 08:40
Wow, this is magnificent! I see no matter where you go, you still manage to find incredible beauty. Voted.
Milan Vogrin26-Oct-2008 08:21
Great scene!V!
endre novak25-Oct-2008 20:50
Fred Parsons24-Oct-2008 22:41
Nice work and timing with the seagul ! :-)
Apostolos Tikopoulos24-Oct-2008 21:52
Excellent colors and great scenery. V.
Mary Bowles24-Oct-2008 18:25
Everything, from the glassy reflective foreground, the composition, and crucially, the madly beautiful show in the sky, demonstrates your skill in bringing the beauties of your world to us.
You must have had your "other" eye open to capture the perfect bird silhouette as a coda.
Tom Munson24-Oct-2008 17:36
Beautiful, Gordon. Great timing with the bird. v
Guest 24-Oct-2008 15:45
Fantastic colour, great composition. ---V
Bill Gallagher24-Oct-2008 15:17
Beautiful sunrise out on the lake. V
Bartosz Kotulski24-Oct-2008 15:07
wonderful composition. the bird is making this photo better:)my vote
Breland24-Oct-2008 14:03
A beautiful sunrise and terrific composition Gordon. Glad to see you on the move. v
Katabatic24-Oct-2008 13:40
Nice colors