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Dave Beedon | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> TOP SECRET: UFOs, Aliens, and Unexplained Phenomena tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

TOP SECRET: UFOs, Aliens, and Unexplained Phenomena

TOP SECRET..(I think)......TOP SECRET..(sort of)......
TOP SECRET..(possibly)......TOP SECRET…..(why not?)

The galleries below are to be viewed only by those having a need to know. It contains graphic photos of things related to unidentified flying objects, extra-terrestrials ("Aliens"), the subjugation of the human race by advanced life forms from other planets, various unexplained phenomena, and puns having no redeeming social value.

Reports on similar topics are available from Agent Cooper in England, and
Agent Cross in Texas. Agent Cooper’s reports were the inspiration for this gallery.

UFOs, Aliens, etc.
:: UFOs, Aliens, etc. ::
Covert Operations and Unexplained Phenomena
:: Covert Operations and Unexplained Phenomena ::