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jshuder | all galleries >> Astrophotography >> Planetary Nebulae > Yerkes McDonald 16 (YM 16)
PN G038.7+01.9
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Yerkes McDonald 16 (YM 16)
PN G038.7+01.9

Yerkes McDonald 16 (YM 16, RCW 181, PN G038.7+01.9) planetary nebula in Serpens (Serpens Cauda).
Taken July 10, 11, 12 and 13, 2010 at the Golden State Star Party (GSSP). Imaged with CCD Lab’s
Q285M and a C8N at f5 on a Losmandy G11/Gemini mount. All subframes were binned 2x2. The OIII and
H-alpha subframes were 10 minutes, while the RGB subframes were 2.5 minutes resulting in the
following total exposures L:R:G:B = (OIII+HA):(R+Ha): (G+OIII):(B+OIII) (min) = (250+250):(40+250):
(40+250):(40+250). Captured with Nebulosity, calibrated, sigma combined and resampled in Iris with
other processing using PixInsight LE and Photoshop CS. North is up

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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