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jshuder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Astrophotography tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Welcome to my astrophotography galleries. I started a passion for Astronomy in my elementary school days having been influenced by my father who showed me the constellations and by the space race in the '60s. My involvement has waxed and waned as other life pursuits took hold, but its not something that I ever really lost interest in. CCD astrophotography allows me to "see" objects that I can't really see through an eyepiece from my light-polluted backyard. Here you will find images that I have taken through the years starting with film and progressing to dedicated astronomical cameras. The images are categorized by detector and by special categories of interest. My most recent images are taken with Starlight Xpress' Trius SX-825 camera. Except where noted all images were taken from my light polluted backyard on the San Francisco Peninsula.

Thanks for visiting.
:: SX-825 ::
:: Q285M CCD ::
:: DSI Pro II CCD ::
:: Film ::
Arp Peculiar Galaxies
:: Arp Peculiar Galaxies ::
Superthin Galaxies
:: Superthin Galaxies ::
Planetary Nebulae
:: Planetary Nebulae ::
Sharpless HII Regions
:: Sharpless HII Regions ::
Solar System
:: Solar System ::
 Star Parties
::  Star Parties  ::
:: Equipment ::