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Thursday's Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge for March 6, 2008 - "Something Sinister"

There is nothing more sinister in our house than the cellar. And believe me, cellar is the correct term. Calling it a basement would be like calling a hog a cute little pig. A cement floor with an open drainage hole, concrete block walls, wooden rafters instead of a ceiling. Half of it is a dirt-filled crawl space and the rest is our "laundry room." I haven't been down there in years--our only stair lift goes to the second floor--but dear Ed is up and down these open stairs doing our wash a couple of times a week. I don't even like to imagine what creepy-crawlies probably inhabit the crawl space. Now THAT, my friends, is sinister!

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Canon EOS 40D
1/25s f/3.5 at 17.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Meggi Raeder13-Mar-2008 00:56
Your imagination is wonderful!! You are a story teller AND a wonderful photographer!!
Loved reading the entry today.
Guest 08-Mar-2008 16:48
This is great!!
The Third Side08-Mar-2008 04:14
excellent entry!
Guest 08-Mar-2008 04:11
Why do people in the movies always go down there in the dark to find out what the "thump thump" noise is when we're yelling at them, "Don't go! Don't go!"? LOL.
Phillip Normanton07-Mar-2008 20:40
Cellars are where it's at for sinister alright!
Yvonne07-Mar-2008 11:06
Can imagine a few spooky noises emanating from here in the dead of night!
Sheila07-Mar-2008 08:34
This is a really excellent take on the challenge.
I must have been a sinister kid, locking my brother in our cellar :-)
Linda Willets07-Mar-2008 05:10
Roe..07-Mar-2008 03:16
can I borrow Ed? a well thought out image..
carolynne_w06-Mar-2008 23:49
Basements were always a bit spooky when I was growing up. Now I miss having one!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 22:36
Wow- that does seem spooky. Really nicely lit shot, too. Very moody.
Russ Rose06-Mar-2008 22:33
ccould be a very scary place.
Jola Dziubinska06-Mar-2008 22:17
Wicked place, I won't go there.
Malcolm Smith06-Mar-2008 20:14
Why, oh why do they always go down to the cellar in the horror films. We all know bad things lurk there. nice take on the challenge.
J. Scott Coile06-Mar-2008 20:02
Something wicked this way comes!
Dick Lowthian06-Mar-2008 19:32
Probably much less sinister to Ed than to you, Patricia, but a great entry nonetheless.
Jonathan Popp06-Mar-2008 19:31
This brings back the childhood memories. The smell and darkness of a cellar, Yup very scary. Great idea!
beverley harrison06-Mar-2008 19:20
mmm ...cellars are spooky places...mind your step!!
BleuEvanescence06-Mar-2008 18:54
Hihihiiiiii, (laughter in french)
i love your sense of humour
and i can relate for the "cellar"...
Wonderful entry
Guest 06-Mar-2008 17:28
oh, I used to work out in a cellar, I'm not afraid. :)
Máire Uí Mhaicín06-Mar-2008 17:07
Nightmare territory.
Carole Stevens06-Mar-2008 17:04
Very very creepy, but Id love a basement; I think lol!
Nancy Lobaugh06-Mar-2008 17:03
great story & shot!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 16:24
The Boogey Man?
We've got scarier people living upstairs!!
Maaike Huizer06-Mar-2008 15:49
What is in the basement? Always sinister. Great shot and excellent idea.
Guest 06-Mar-2008 15:07
I ain't going down there!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 15:01
Scariest thing in the world if you're a little kid...
Inga Morozoff06-Mar-2008 14:21
Terrific composition and lighting. The overall mood it portrays is very sinister indeed.
Guest 06-Mar-2008 13:17
Great, great, great idea. I used to taunt my sister in such a location by getting behind the steps and grabing ankles on the way down...that will get one a shiney hiney and in this day & age, probably shot!
CM Kwan06-Mar-2008 13:12
Excellent shoot, Patricia! V
Cindi Smith06-Mar-2008 12:29
Poor Ed.....but, he evidently, has made friends with the Boogey man as he always returns upstairs!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 11:43
Oh my Patricia.....I laughed out loud this morning when I read this. what a great way to start a day.
Ann...06-Mar-2008 09:21
Excellent shot - I keep watching for the shadow to move across the wall. Eeeeccckkkk!!!
Barbara Heide06-Mar-2008 09:13
lol @ Dave! great idea...
Dave Hein06-Mar-2008 08:36
this is where those clanking chain noises come from in the dead of night... :)
Paco López06-Mar-2008 07:04
Excellent!!!!! BV!
Heidi Jonker06-Mar-2008 06:59
Nice shot.
Pat Shawyer06-Mar-2008 06:53
Great "sinister" Patricia, I lived in a house with my parents, years ago, and NEVER set foot down our cellar !! Too scarey...
Guest 06-Mar-2008 06:38
Cool shot.
Dan Chusid06-Mar-2008 06:14
That's where the Boogey Man lived in our house.
Guess it was more comfy than the neighbor's place.
Silvia Roitman06-Mar-2008 05:50
great composition!
mathilda williams06-Mar-2008 05:18
as a show of solidarity with you, i refuse to do my laundry for at least a week!
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