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Bill Warren | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Daily Showing > Small town style
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Small town style

Here's an icon of Americana 1950's architecture: Drive thru a small town on a warm summer night. If you see one of these there will most surely be a crowd lining up and waiting for their soft ice cream cone. Better eat fast cause it's already melting. I took this one late after closing as the moon was rising and the street lights burned. Another addition to my Twilight Zone gallery.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Naomi 07-Sep-2007 14:11
We have a similar ice cream stand in my town, and there's always a line. Great shot. V
brianmicky22-Jul-2007 18:06
An image I know.I thought Edward Hopper had copyright on this!Nice timing with the light
Jola Dziubinska14-Jul-2007 18:44
Well seen and done.
wernere0113-Jul-2007 14:56
So well illuminated. Like this shot.
Guest 13-Jul-2007 14:27
Superb! I Love it!
virginiacoastline13-Jul-2007 13:29
Aaaaahhhhhhhh . . now THIS takes me back
LOVE small towns =)
Guest 13-Jul-2007 11:25
cool! Love the colors.
Guest 13-Jul-2007 10:28
yes does remind me of the good ole us of a. :)
Dave Wixx13-Jul-2007 04:51
Excellent shot, excellent exposure.
Michael Shpuntov13-Jul-2007 01:45
Excellent shot Bill. Love that moon in the corner. Stunning colors. Vote.
Guest 13-Jul-2007 00:42
A slice of Americana. Half chocolate,half vanilla please!
laine8212-Jul-2007 21:32
Very " Happy Days " Nice shot.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography12-Jul-2007 20:38
Nice :)
Antonio Ruggiero12-Jul-2007 19:52
Very cool entry.....Bravo........
Dan Chusid12-Jul-2007 19:46
Perfect for summer heat!
J. Scott Coile12-Jul-2007 19:43
Wicked cool colors. Such a slice of americana!
Guest 12-Jul-2007 19:41
Hi Bill, what a kiosk you've got! -V-
Guest 12-Jul-2007 16:20
Lovely capture and story!
Guest 12-Jul-2007 10:15
Superb lighting and a great looking kiosk,Bill!
Guest 12-Jul-2007 08:36
beautiful light and so ptretty.
Carinoza12-Jul-2007 08:15
Good documentation from the recent past ....
beverley harrison12-Jul-2007 07:32
vanilla please!!
Tim van Woensel12-Jul-2007 05:35
How cool, looks like from a movie.
Maaike Huizer12-Jul-2007 05:29
Yes. Excellent entry. A true Icon.
Cindi Smith12-Jul-2007 04:48
Oh yeah! This is awesome! Send me one!
Laryl12-Jul-2007 04:39
this is fun.. reminds me of my summers as a kid going to the dairy queen for a shake
Gary Hebert12-Jul-2007 04:03
excellent Bill... takes me way back... :)
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