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cn tower glass floor

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Guest 03-Nov-2009 21:34
wow, getting vertigo just looking at your picture :)
Ken Zaret09-Oct-2009 12:41
cool shot!
monica memoli07-Sep-2009 06:23
Very impressive! v
Guest 10-Aug-2009 23:44
Great shot - I tried to get this same feeling when I was there last year, but you captured it MUCH better! congrats! - D
Rick Bricker04-Aug-2009 06:39
Perfectly captured.I was browsing thru the Vertigo competition entries in thumbnail form and had to open this one.Glad I did.You deserve a win with this shot.Absolute feel of vertigo!
rsub813-Jul-2009 05:10
Hi Kirsten and Flo... THANKS for those nice comments! Erich is just being Erich (right, Erich?) ;-) The reflection was unavoidable, unfortunately, but I didn't want to eliminate it though editing. It wasn't difficult to take the photograph, of course there is the famous "glass floor" here, but in addition it was an HDR image, to try to get the tonal balance in the feet (dark above) to meld with the stuff below... I hope that helps to answer your question without my rambling on too much...
cits_4_pets11-Jul-2009 15:11
LOL at Erich Mangl comment! Was wondering how you got this..Nice shot. (ditto the edit the lights out)~
Kirsten10-Jul-2009 11:51
Yikes!!!!!! But I love it!!!!
EMangl23-Aug-2008 22:04
yuck (burp) ...
Andrys Basten07-Aug-2008 14:01
Yes, it takes FAITH to stand there. I might have cloned out the lights and not mentioned
that there was glass there! :-) Gives me the heebee jeebees nevertheless!
William Von Gonten07-Aug-2008 06:52
Yikes!! Great Shot!
Tim van Woensel06-Aug-2008 09:18
Thank god for sturdy glass! ;)
earthsmiles17-Jul-2008 13:11
Wow, I get vertigo simply from looking at the image.
Great capture!
Dan Greenberg19-Jan-2008 15:30
I agree with Barbara - it really makes you feel like you are there. Great picture! ~V~
Barbara Heide23-Sep-2007 02:37
terific...makes me feel dizzy! superb capture...v